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Scott POV

Scott got up out of bed after looking at the ceiling for 10 minutes and quickly put on his clothes. The colourful man grabbed the newspaper that was on his doorstep and read it.

Tumble Town burnt to the ground! How the fire started is still a mystery but all the citizens made it out safely. The sherrif's whereabouts are unknown.

Tumble Town was on fire?? Scott swiftly put on his elytra and head towards the remains of Tumble Town. When he arrived he  saw nothing, just burnt remains.

"Jimmy?" Scott asked as he looked around, it would be difficult for him to hide if he was still here. "Scott" Jimmy cried from somewhere. The cyanette eyes searched for Jimmy but no toy was in sight.

"Where are you exactly?" Scott asked. "I'm not coming out Scott. I set Tumble Town on fire I'm going to be replaced by a new sherrif and then thrown in prison" Jimmy cried.

"Jimmy I'm sure they will understand that you did it by accident. When Owen turned my empire orange the villagers just laughed and brushed it off" Scott said sadly.

"You don't understand Scott, the people of Chromia are nice people but the people of Tumble Town are horrible I failed at being a ruler" Jimmy sniffed, obviously trying to stop crying.

"What do you mean Jimmy? Whenever I visit the villagers are always delightful and kind" Scott questioned as he started looking around the rubble for a certain toy.

"Yeah that's around you Scott! Never judge a book by its cover. Tumble Townians are the most wicked people I've ever met! I'm a disgrace to my empire for being so kind!" Jimmy screamed.

Scott scratched his head and looked around in his pockets. "I've got something for you if you come out of hiding" Scott smiled. "Fine but close your eyes" Jimmy sighed.

Joel PoV

"Oh my Peril.. Tumble Town was on fire and Jimmy wasn't found what if he burnt to a crisp and it's my fault!" Joel panicked. "No Joel I'm sure he just needed a break and left, like you did. I'm 100% certain that he is still alive" Sausage sighed, putting a hand on the god's shoulder.

"But what if he didn't leave. What if he was in such a shock that he would move and he got burnt to a crisp!" Joel practically screamed. "Joel, calm down. We can visit Tumble Town or rather the remains and look for him later okay? We need to get to the meeting" Sausage said.

The two headed off to Eversea, Joey's empire. They were the last ones to land apart from a colourful man. "Scott is never late where is he?" Joey asked. "He's probably mourning his boyfriend's death! I knew it Jimmy is dead" Joel gasped.

"Joel for Peril's sake, Jimmy is alive!" Sausage groaned. "All of you be quiet. We can wait for a few more minutes" Gem sighed, clearly tired of the chaos already.

"I'm bored and I've already run out of emergency snacks!" Fwhip whined. "I should have brought snacks" Lizzie sighed. "Here Lizzie have some snacks" Shubble smiled as she passed Lizzie some crackers.

"Ooh yay!" Lizzie squealed as she happily munched on her crackers. "Alright everyone shut up! Clearly Scott isn't coming so we will begin now. Anyone got news to share?" Joey asked.

"I've got a man in a cage" Fwhip smiled. "So that's who that was!" Lizzie sighed. "Well, on a serious note. The Evermoor has decided that no one shall visit, the fog is very dangerous for those who can't navigate it." Shubble spoke.

"I've got news! Jimmy is dead!" Joel screamed, standing up. "No he isn't! He isn't Joel is going a bit crazy" Sausage sighed, making me sit down. "Well they don't call me the mad king for no reason" I smiled. Pixl laughed.

"Any important news? So far Shubble has had serious news and I hate agreeing with her" Joey spat. "I built a machine that can blow up with a single touch. So be careful around it" False sighed. Crazy people are everywhere.

"Okay boring meeting over" Joey sighed. Joel quickly got up and started flying towards Tumble Town. Guess Tumble Town really Tumbled.

"Joel wait up your so fast!" Sausage screamed, struggling to keep up with the god. "Jimmy is dead and I'm going to find him" Joel hissed. "Why are you so worried?" Sausage asked. "Because I didn't worry enough last time!" Joel snapped, landing in the remains of Tumble.

"Oh.. Your talking about our past lives aren't you?" Sausage asked, hovering next to Joel as he stormed about looking under rocks.

"Yes and this time I'm not going to let him die on me. Not again" Joel sighed. "Okay I'll help you" Sausage smiled, struggling to lift up a fallen roof.

"You're so used to magic helping you that you can't even pick up a building" Joel chuckled. "Well your a god you've got super strength. Im just a normal human" Sausage scoffed. "Definitely not normal" Joel muttered.

They spent 5 minutes looking around until they saw Jimmy and Scott taking. Joel pulled Sausage behind a wall as he eagerly looked at the two.

"Jimmy you can't just disappear. The rulers will be worried sick!" Scott protested sadly. "Sorry Scott but I can't deal with the toy jokes anymore it would be better if they thought I was dead" Jimmy sighed.

Joel gasped and put a hand over his mouth, looking away from the toy and the colorful man. "He wants to leave. I promised that I would never let him go. I need to stop him!" Joel cried, standing up. "Joel if he wants to go he can." Sausage sighed, grabbing onto Joel's sleeve.

"No. Last time he left he never came back. Did you even listen to me earlier? Get off I'm going to stop him from leaving" Joel scoffed, pushing Sausage away and marching towards Jimmy.

"This isnt going to end well" Sausage groaned, teleporting himself some popcorn. He sat down and got ready for the show. "Come sit with me reader!" Sausage smiled eagerly.

1027 words

Ooh drama :o

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