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Jimmy POV

Jimmy was sitting in Scott's library thinking about the day. Why on the listeners did Joel adopt Grian and Scar. Sure he is a thousand years old and is turning into a mini Zeus but wow.

"Jimmy?" Scott asked, waving his hand Infront of the toy's face. "Huh? Oh hello Scott" Jimmy smiled. "You appear to be shrinking." Scott said.

"What?" Jimmy screamed, standing up. He quickly grabbed his communicator and flew out of the room.

Private chat between 'Shelby' and 'Jimmy'

Jimmy: Shelby the spell is wearing off!

Shelby: Oh no I can make exceptions for visitors just this once come to the Evermoore now!

Jimmy flew towards the Evermoore but it was a little bit hard because their was a thunderstorm. What was Joel up to now?

"Shelby!" Jimmy yelled as he crash landed into a pond. "Oh Jimmy quickly come inside" Shelby ordered, pulling the toy out of the pond.

The two rushed inside and Jimmy sat by the fire. "Alright Jimmy the potion isn't quite ready yet so we need to wait a few hours" Shelby smiled.

"Oh yeah that's fine I need to talk to you about something anyway. Why are there wanted posters of you?" Jimmy asked. "Oh just nothing Jimmy don't worry" Shelby lied.

"You clearly lying Shelby. It is my job as sherrif to know everything about the server's crimes" Jimmy hissed, clearly getting angry. "I don't care Jimmy. Your not a very good sherrif if you let your empire burn!" Shelby screamed, getting out her staff.

Jimmy's eyes flickered to green then back to hazel. "Shelby. Don't make me arrest you for crimes against the empire server" Jimmy warned. Shelby pointed her staff at Jimmy and he took a step back.

"Shelby you know I'm on my last life" Jimmy laughed sadly. "You've still got 2 lives silly. Get out of my empire. This is a warning!" Shelby spat. "No Shelby tell me about the posters!" Jimmy yelled angrily, his eyes turning green like emeralds.

Quick Author's note

In this fic the empire members only have 50 lives and once they have used up all their lives then they are permanently dead. Unless another revives them using an illegal spell.

End of Author's note.

Shelby shot her staff and Jimmy cried out in shock.

SolidarityGaming has used up all his lives while fight Shubble

"Wait he really was on his last life?" Shelby whispered.

Smajor1995: Shelby what the hell have you done???

Smallishbeans: Shelby you've killed him for good. Your wanted twice as much now!

Grian: You've killed Tim? Why?

Shelby took a step back and ran to her mirror. She had skulk covering her wrists and a little bit around her eye. "I'm a monster!" Shelby sobbed, falling to her knees.

Joel POV

"Wait no Timmy can't be gone yet! I haven't even played a prank on him yet!" Grian cried. Joel pulled Grian and Scar into a hug. "I will murder that witch just like she did to Jimmy!" Joel hissed.

"Violence is never the answer. That wouldn't be what Jimmy would've wanted" Scar reminded sadly.

"Thunder Daddy!" Tiny Tom cried, flying towards Joel. "Oh Tiny Tom come here my boy" Joel frowned, letting go of G and S. Tiny Tom flew into Joel's arms and started crying.

"Your okay son. Trust me thunder daddy is here" Joel comforted. Scar hugged the group sadly and Grian stood there in shock.

Sausage and Hermes came rushing into the room and joined the group hug. Grian slowly walked up to the bundle and squeezed himself in.

"Oh everyone it's okay. I'm sure Jimmy will always be watching over us, ready to protect us" Joel said quietly, trying to hold back tears himself.

The hug soon broke apart and Tiny Tom flew away to his room. "Thunder daddy. I didn't know that empire people ran out of lives" Hermes cried. "Only god's like me don't unless they get stripped of the thing making them a god. For example Saint Pearl only died because her crops withered." Joel explained.

"Come on Hermes we better get you to bed. You must be tired of today's chaos" Sausage said, picking Hermes up and flying away.

Leaving only Scar, Grian and Joel in a room, horrible idea by the way. "We need to get rid of that witch and I know some people that might be willing to help" Joel muttered.

A few hours later, an annoyed Joey and a very sad Scott were sat on a chair infront of Joel. "Alright, you both may know of Shelby's outrageous scheme. We need to stop her" Joel explained.

"We need to stop that b1tch that killed my flower!" Scott yelled. "That's the spirit Scott" Joel smiled sadly.

"I also am with Scott. That f0cking witch stole my princess!" Joey agreed angrily.

"Okay stand on those trapdoors" Joel ordered. They both did what they were told and Joel punched a big obsidian button.

They all fell untill they found themselves in a red room with a massive table. Grian and Scar were smiling on their thrones. "This used to be my planning room but now it's my secret meeting room. Only you four know about it so far" Joel informed.

"Welcome fellow haters of the worst witch Shelby" Grian smiled. "Yes I hate that b1tch!" Joey smiled, but it wasn't a happy smile it was a sad smile. Deep inside that little heart of his was a place for Jimmy, he always cared about him but never shown it.

Grian slowly snapped his head towards Joey. "No swearing in front of me little pirate boy" Grian hissed. "Yeah only rule is no swearing infront of G" Joel said.

"So how are we killing her? Poison? Torture?" Scott asked. "We aren't killing her oh no that would be much to merciful. We need to do that second option. Torture" Scar smiled evily.

"That is the first time I've heard Scar say something evil in years. He is furious!" Grian sang. "I think that's a good idea Scar. Let's go get her. Alright here is the plan" Joel started.

1021 words

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