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Before we start the chapter I just want to say I make these at midnight and don't edit chapters so if it doesn't make sense I'm sorry lol.

Scott POV

Joel angrily stomped over to Scott and Jimmy. "Jimmy Solidarity! You are not leaving again!" Joel hissed. "What do you mean again? And also you can't stop me!" Jimmy scoffed.

"In season 1 as I like to call it. You left and never came back I am not going to let it happen again" Joel spat. "Well maybe past me didn't want to return because of your horrible attitude" Jimmy said, rolling his eyes.

Scott noticed Sausage watching with some popcorn and ran over the join the man. "Popcorn?" Sausage asked. "Yes this is getting good" Scott smiled, sitting down next to the man of confusing lore.

"How dare you. I wasn't always like this you know. Once you left I was the only one still left ruling an empire. Everyone I ever cared for had died and I was alone for a thousand years. Loneliness can change people!" Joel shouted. "Well maybe they wouldn't have died if you cared for them!" Jimmy screamed.

"I think Jimmy is going too far now but I'm so interested I can't stop him" Scott said, shoveling more popcorn in his mouth. "I really need to go check on Hermes but the drama is getting good" Sausage sighed.

Rain crashed to the ground and lightning was blasting everywhere. "Jimmy of Tumble Town. How would you feel if I killed off everyone on this server except from you then tormented you everyday with the guilt of being the cause of their downfall." Joel hissed, not sounding like himself anymore, more like thunder if it was a voice.

"I don't know" Jimmy muttered, clearly realising what he said and was getting scared. "Answer me Jimmy. How would you feel?" Joel asked, growing to his god form.

Joel placed a wing on Jimmy's shoulder. "I would feel sad" Jimmy mumbled. Scott and Sausage had flown away by now because they were worried about their family. For Scott it was the llamas but for Sausage it was Hermes.

"Sad? That's all you would feel? No trying to kill yourself and crying whenever you would respawn because you just wanted to be with family again?" Joel hissed, his voice was not recogniseable by now and his eyes went a bright yellow.

"Joel your scaring me please stop.. I won't leave I promise" Jimmy cried, taking a step back. Lightning surrounded Jimmy, making it so the sherrif couldn't move.

"Leaving was never an option my dear, it would be better if I could keep an eye on you at all times." Joel smiled creepily, black goo running down his face from his eyes.

"This is all a nightmare and I will wake up soon" Jimmy laughed sadly to himself. "This is not a dream." The definitely not Joel said.

"Joel calm down!" Lizzie screamed, landing next to the god. "Please don't let the orb take over! Take a deep breath" Joel looked at Lizzie and shrunk back to his human form, the rain and lightning stopping. But the small god passed out with Lizzie only just managing to catch him in time.

"What the actual hell was that?" Jimmy asked with tears running down his cheeks. "The effect of the orb I got memories from when I had the orb, whenever I felt a strong anger or sadness it took over and only past life you or Joel could stop it. It's terrifying when you can't control it and have to watch people suffer" Lizzie explained.

"Right I'm never making Joel mad again. I'm going to Chromia" Sighed the toy, flying away.

622 words.

I just wanted to write about an angry Joel to be honest. Sorry for the short chapter by the way.

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