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Joel POV

I sighed as I held a beautiful rose in my hands, setting it at the bottom of Lizzie's Shrine I had built, many a years ago. This time one thousand years ago, I was alone for the first time, and had my first heartbreak.

I greatly missed Lizzie, my beautiful wife, I missed Jimmy, my handsome brother-in-law. I missed everyone.

When I had first realised my empire was fractured, I rushed to The Ocean, and my heart raced when I saw Lizzie's disintegrating body, she left me forever.

I sobbed by her side, and once her ashes had flown high into the sky, a sea-blue orb fell infront of me, I took it curiosily. The next thing I remember, I was a God and had wiped the lands clean, erasing my past.

I wiped my tears and turned to leave her shrine, banging my head in the process. I knew I wished to be tall when I was 20 but I didn't realise I would become immortal and grow up to around 11 feet!

The muffled yelling had startled me, and at first I thought it was Pearl and The watchers. But then I realised, it sounded nothing like them.

I walked to the edge of my floating island, prepared to fight if it came to that. I was bamboozled when I saw 11 other people, looking exactly like the ones I had lost a thousand years prior.

I rushed down immediately, thinking or rather hoping maybe my friends (and enemies (Fhwip)) had risen from the dead or something magical like that. However, I was equally shocked, albeit disappointed to see people that looked exactly like them, doppelgangers one might say.

"Wow, who are you? I didn't know we had a new person on empires!" The Katherine-lookalike gasped in awe, looking me up and down.

"Oh, yeah I'm Joel. Who are you?" I asked, unable to hide the disappointment in my tone.

They all introduced themselves one by one until it got to the last person, Lizzie. I held back tears as she introduced herself.

"I'm Lizzie and I rule Animalia. Utopia for all animals and I'm definitely a human doing human things!" Lizzie smiled, looking around slightly nervously.

"Lizzie.." I whispered to myself, taking a deep breath.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Fwhip shouted as he held his ear, which was oddly big and green. A goblin, that's exactly what he was!

"Nothing" I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"EH?" Fwhip screamed once again, squinting his eyes as if that would help him hear better..

Damn that explosion must have really messed up his ears... Deserved for blowing everything up.

"NOTHING!" I boomed, everyone covered their ears, Lizzie yelping slightly, clearly having more sensitive ears. She was not doing a very good job at disguising herself if that was what she was even doing, a sloppy paper mask over her face.

"NO NEED TO SHOUT!" Fwhip yelled, shaking his head.

"Sorry about him, living in a cave messed up his ear drums yet he refuses to wear hearing aids like me" Jimmy scoffed, patting the goblin's shoulder.

"You wear hearing aids?" I questioned, looking down at him for once. His past life was taller than me.. No Joel, these are clearly new people, no connections.

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