Almost. Maybe.

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Porcelain pov

I'm worried about Josh. His eyes were really bloodshot this morning. Maybe it is just because he woke up, maybe I'm just over thinking this. But I doubt it.

Could Josh be on drugs? Marihuana? Ecstasy? Shrooms? Maybe. He's never seemed overly high with me tho.

Maybe I'll confront him if he ever is obviously high. I don't wanna make accusations. I've only known him for 3 days.

right now we're walking thru the woods near our houses. "What exactly are we looking for?" I asked as we turned down another random path.

Josh smiled, "somewhere that I can kill you and no one will hear you scream." He held his hands out in a way that looked like he was gonna choke me, then his phone rang. "Hold that thought." He answered his phone, "hey dad - yes I did do my chores - yup - uh huh - yes sir - uh nope - ok. But can porce help? - I'm with her now - ok. We'll be back soon."

I raised my eyebrow at him, "what was I just volunteered to do?"

He grabbed my hand, "you're gonna help me wash my dads car."

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue, it's better than being home alone. "What about killing me?"

He sighed, heavily, "that will have to wait."

Josh pov

After I sprayed porcelain with the hose on their foot we got down to business and washed my dads car for him.

I handed porcelain the hose to roll up as I put the wax on. I had just gotten the last spot and turned to go to porcelain.

She was standing like she was about to shoot me. With the hose. I stopped in my tracks. "Now now porcelain. Don't do anything you might regret." I started taking cautious steps towards her.

She smirked, "you sprayed my foot."

I looked at her shocked, "you don't exactly look like you're just gonna shoot my foot."

She smiled, "what don't trust me ramsay?"

I laughed, "I've known you for 4 days doll face, and I already know to not trust you." I'm about ten feet away from her now.

Her hand loosened on the handle. "Had it only been four days? I feel like we've been friends for ever." I relaxed and took another step. "But you do know me very well" she smirked as she pulled back on the trigger.

She soaked me. Head to toe. By the time I opened my eyes all I saw was her foot slipping thru the back gate that leads to the woods.

I groaned and chased after her. I kept barely seeing her turn corners. I was probably chasing her for 10 minutes before I was catching up, "porce, I'm almost dry now, there's no need to run."

She stopped in a clearing and turned around to face me, I smirked and went to hug her, "you lied you little suck. You're still wet."

I laughed, "you stopped. It's your own fault." I paused as I let her go and she pouted at me. "Why'd you stop anyway?" I asked.

She smiled and looked around, "our spot."

I looked around. We kinda made our way into our own little clearing. There was a fallen log over a little stream. It was peaceful, quiet.

I nodded and walked over the log and sat so I was over the stream. Porce came and sat next to me. "This would be a great spot for sketching. Could draw and focus on random different things."

I smiled and put my arm around her, "good for writing too. Quiet."

She nodded her head and rested it on my shoulder.

Porcelain pov

Josh and I were sitting there doing nothing when I started to notice the sun going down, "we should head home." I said as Josh was zoned out. I smiled when he didn't realize what I said. So I pushed him into the stream. It's only and inch deep.

Josh landed on his feet, "what is it with you and getting me wet?" He asked as he went out to the side where I was waiting.

I laughed, "I said we should head home. You didn't hear me. And it's only and once deep you woos."

Josh rolled his eyes and stood beside me, "you have any idea where we're going?"

I nodded, "we came in over there" I said pointing to a large red cedar, "follow the broken branches back to the main path then follow the main path out."

Josh laughed at me, "my little nature girl."

I smiled, "my mom liked camping. I learned some things"

Josh's smile dropped from his face, "how are you doing with that? I didn't wanna bring it up incase it upset you"

I shrugged as we walked a little, "I dunno. Kinda been trying to forget, pretend the pain isn't there."

We reached the main road and Josh stopped me, "don't cry, it'll ruin your eyeliner." He said, running his thumbs under my eyes to wipe away my tears.

I smiled as I looked at him, he smiled too and started to lean in, or maybe it was my imagination. Because as soon as he started he stopped as a bike went past.

I turned around and looked at where we were. "So my house is probably closer, if you wanna come hang out for a bit."

Josh nodded and started walking with me. Now I can't get that almost maybe a kiss outta my head.

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