More questions. Less answers.

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Josh POV

I carried porcelain back to my place since it was closer than hers. I walked over to the couch and dropped her, then sat on the armchair.

"Josh is that you?" I heard my mom ask from the kitchen.

"Yeah. Me and porcelain." I said, pulling out my phone to see if I had anything on it.

Mom came into the room, "oh hello porcelain, how are you feeling?" she asked.

I looked at porcelain, she shrugged and smiled a little, "good as could be expected I suppose."

Mom smiled and nodded, "that's good to hear. Well, I'll be in the kitchen making dinner if you need anything." She smiled, "oh, porcelain will you be staying for dinner?"

Porcelain nodded, "if you'll have me." Mom just nodded and walked back into the kitchen.

I smiled over at porcelain, "she likes you." She looked at me funny, "I've brought girls home before, she never liked any of them. The one girl I bring who's just a friend and she likes you."

Porcelain laughed, "oh well now I know your type. Unliked by mom."

I smiled and nodded, "sounds like my kinda girl." She smiled at me, "come on. Let's go hang in my room." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her down stairs.

About halfway down she stopped me, "josh I'm not that kind of girl." She said smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "and I'm not that kind of guy." I said as we got to the bottom. I opened the door to reveal my room. Wooden desk, queen bed with black blanket, dark blue dresser, semi-light blue walls.

She turned and looked at me, "I don't believe it. You're not that kind of guy?" she asked.

I shook my head, "nope. Well, not yet. If I ever become that guy I'll be sure to let you know." I smirked.

She rolled my eyes and went over to my cd collection, "good taste. Varied, but good" She said, referring to the bands.

I smiled, "yeah, my dad is a producer so I know my fair share of bands." I said, "you can pick one if you want."

She nodded and looked them over, while she was doing that I went and checked under my bed. My heroin was still there, good. I never did get my hit yesterday cause I had to help porcelain, I'll do it later.

Suddenly I heard shoebox by Barenaked ladies come on. I turned and looked at porce and started laughing, "y'know. I never would've thought this would be a bunch of dudes." she said I laughed and nodded.

I just flopped back on my bed. I felt porcelain fall behind me and smiled. "You're turn to ask." I said.

She nodded, "favourite band?"

I thought for a minute, "foo fighters or AC/DC" I said, "you?"

She shrugged, "too many to count."

I nodded, "I know the dilemma."

She stayed quiet for a minute. "fave movie?"

I paused, "goonies." She laughed, "fave hideout?" I asked.

She shook her head no, "can't tell you. Or I won't be able to hide there again." I turned my head to look at her and she smirked.

I put my hand on my heart, "you don't trust me?!" I asked sounding hurt, when really I couldn't blame her. She just shook her head and stared back at the ceiling. "Maybe we should find our own hideout. Then we can go there when we only want the other to be able to find us. No one else will know."

She nodded, then started singing, "I'll keep you my dirty little secret." She shot up, "ooh fave band! definitely all American rejects. Or green day!"

I laughed, "you tangent a lot. You know that?" I asked, she nodded. Smiling and laying back down.

Porcelain POV

Josh's mom called us up for dinner about 10 minutes ago. She'd made toast beef and mashed potatoes.

Josh was sitting beside me and Sara across from me. Josh kept playing with his potatoes until I kicked him under the table.

He glared at me and I kept my eyes on him as I put the beef and gravy into my mouth. He rolled his eyes and took a bite then sarcastically grinned at me.

Sara laughed, "you've known each other what? two days and you can already talk with your eyes?"

I blushed a little bit, if only she knew what we were saying. Josh kicked me under the table. I looked at him and he had a fork full of potatoes in his mouth. I smiled at him and nodded.


Josh and I were watching the princess bride in his room after dinner. He tried to excuse himself to use the washroom but I wouldn't let him until I knew it was too late for him to regurgitate his food.

Josh kept laughing because he'd never seen this movie but he got all of the boys parts down before he said them. And I knew all the other parts because I loved this movie.

Once the end credits rolled past I looked at Josh, "ok. We proved two things. 1) I watch this movie way too much. 2) you have the brain of a twelve year old boy."

He laughed, "perfect."

I smiled and looked at the clock, "ok. I better head home. I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

He nodded, "tomorrow we find ourselves hideout." I laughed and nodded, "oh. And don't come by until about 1 or I will be asleep. And you will die for waking me." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "5 am wake up call, coming up."

Josh glared at me, "you do that. And you won't live to see your 16th birthday."

I took a step closer and glared right back, "that's adorable. You think I'm weaker than you." I smiled at him, "go ahead and think that. I'll prove you wrong soon enough."

He rolled his eyes, "goodnight. Porcelain." He said through gritted teeth.

I laughed, "goodnight josh."

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