Cheeper by the nap

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Josh POV

I told porcelain to not come back before 1because I would be asleep. To be honest tho, I haven't been sleeping lately, I just wanted to get a hit in this morning.

It was about 11 now, I had my dose about 3 hours ago. I went to my bathroom and saw that my eyes were still red.

I was hitting that point when I started regretting doing it. But give it a day and I'll want it again. This was the circle I'm stuck in.

I walked over to my acoustic guitar and started strumming wake me up when September ends by green day.

It was about 11 now and I heard a knock on the door, Sara went and opened it. It was sprung break now so I was home instead of at school and Sara had today off from work so she could plan her wedding. I forgot that that was in just under a month.

I heard porcelain coming down the stairs to the basement so I put my guitar back and got back into bed. Barely closing my eyes before she opened my bedroom door.

I heard her silently laugh to herself then it was completely quiet. Until she started jumping on my bed.

I sat up and glared at her, "what the heck?!" I screamed at her. She started laughing but didn't stop jumping, until I swung my leg past her feet and tripped her. She landed sitting in my lap.

She looked around and giggled a bit before turning to me, "morning josh." She smiled as she slid off my lap and sat on the edge of my bed.

I fell back with my eyes open, "morning porcelain."

She laid down on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows, "what's wrong ramsay?" she asked hovering above my face.

I looked at my clock then back at her, "you're two hours early." I groaned.

She laughed, "you poor baby. I've been up for 4 hours already. So you can bite me."

I smirked at her, "tempting. Really it is, but I don't like you in that way."

She rolled her eyes, "whatever. Wanna watch something?" she asked. I nodded and sat up. She walked over to my door and flicked the light on. She came back to me with cheeper by the dozen in her hands. She put it in my DVD player before looking at me again, "josh, why are you eyes bloodshot?" she asked.

Crap! I forgot about this, "oh. Must still be tired, y'know, since someone decided to wake me up early."

She rolled her eyes, "oh you poor thing. You can try to sleep while I watch the movie." She said as she slid under my covers.

I looked at her, "you know, you have a habit of making yourself at home. This is only the third day you've been here and already you're getting into bed with me."

She turned and glared at me, "the first day we met, you came home with me and slept with me."

I smirked at her again, "if I weren't there. That would've sounded wrong in so many ways." She rolled her eyes, as I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in tight, "and did you really want me to leave?"

She shook her head and put her head on my shoulder. I smiled and grabbed the remote pressing play on the movie.

Porcelain POV

I don't remember falling asleep but I woke up to them crashing a party. My head was on Josh's chest and his arm with still around me, trailing up and down my arm.

I looked up at him and he was watching the show. I sat up and leaned back on his head board. Josh looked over and smiled down at me, "morning, love." he said before looking back at the tv.

I rolled my eyes and then rubbed the sleep out of them, "I thought you didn't feel that way about me." I said smirking, "you're sending me mixed signals.

Josh laughed as the movie credits rolled by. "Come on. Let's go find our secret spot." He said sitting up and grabbing a new shirt keeping his sweats on from the night before.

I nodded, "I'll wait upstairs." I said closing his door behind me.

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