Can I?

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Porcelain pov

My dad got home yesterday. Let's just say he doesn't really like Josh. He told me I was too old to be going thru a 'bad boy' phase and that he didn't want me seeing Josh anymore. Not that he could really control it, he was out of town on business more than half the month.

Right now we were burying my mom. We just finished the funeral and my dad and I, all our family and close friends, and Josh walked into the depressing field where my mom will have her long sleep.

Josh didn't hold back on his promise. His grip on my hand hasn't loosened since he picked me up this morning, which is something I'm grateful for.

As they lowered my mom into the ground and everyone started saying their goodbyes I told Josh that my dad and I needed a minute, and that id call him later. He nodded, gave me a quick hug and followed the crowd.

I went over to my dad and lay my had on his upper arm, "we'll get thru this." I smiled, "we always manage." He slowly turned as the small excavator began covering my mothers casket.

I was worried about my dad, he'll probably just throw himself into his work even more than he already has.

When we pulled into the driveway I got out of the car and turned on the heels of the black converse my mom had gotten me last year. I ran inside and threw on my jeans and a nirvana Tshirt "Hey dad, I think I'm gonna go for a walk, that ok?" He nodded as he went into the living room. The usual way we got over things, by pretending they weren't there.

I slowly made my way over to Josh and i's spot in the woods. When I got there I was only slightly taken back by the man in suit pants, a button up shirt and black converse with his hair gelled to perfection. I made my way over to our log and sat down next to him.

I smiled as he looked over at me, "how'd you know I'd be here?" I asked.

He smiled back, "you wanted alone time with your dad. I've known him long enough to know that even if that was true, the ride home would suffice." I laughed,he wasn't wrong.

I sighed as he put his arm over my shoulder, "thanks for coming today. I don't think I would've made it without you."

Josh smiled, "no problem. I would've felt bad if I didn't come."

We just sat like that for a while, Josh knew better than to ask how I was, he just let me sit and think.

I started laughing lightly. Josh looked at me, "you're the only person who knows so much about me, and I've barely known you for a week." I said.

Josh smiled and brought me closer to him, "what are best friends for?" I smiled and leaned against him again, slightly upset that I was just thrust into the best friend zone. "So you ready for school tomorrow?" He asked.

I shrugged, "ready as I'll ever be."

Josh smirked, "we could always just ditch."

I turned and starred at him, "and do what with our lives once we're kicked out for too many missed days?" I asked.

"I'll be the lead singer songwriter in a band, you can be my assistant." He smiled proudly. "Or we can be homeless together and keep each other warm."

I laughed, "ok so we find you a band..." I said, preferring that option over being homeless.

Josh looked shocked, "what you don't think I'd make an awesome homeless guy?!"

I smiled, "oh no. I do. You'd creep people out a mile away. I just think you'd make a better rockstar."

He smiled, "well alright then. We'll get Ramsay fiction signed-"

I cut him off, "uh uh no way. You can't be one of those guys who names his band after himself."

He glared at me, "well too late."

I rolled my eyes. "We should agree to never let anyone else know our spot. Even close friends, this is just ours."

Josh nodded at my change of subject, "and if we do we are to be punished according to the other persons view of what would be justice."

I agreed. And stood up from the log that overlooked the stream. "We should head back." I said.

Josh nodded and stood up, "Wanna come over? We could watch movies and you could stay the night if you want."

I smiled, Josh hasn't left me alone at night since he found out about the Nightmare, and he was right. someone holding me did help, last night my dad wouldn't let Josh stay, and the nightmare came back.

I sighed, "yeah I'll come. But I'll have to ask my dad about staying over." I texted my dad and said I was going to my friend Sara's place. Just didn't say it was Josh's sister.

Josh lead the way to his place. We went in and straight to Josh's room, I didn't really feel like talking to anyone. I sat on Josh's bed and he went over to the stack of DVDs and put some random movie in.

Josh's bed was a double like mine, he came over and sat next to me as the movie loaded, "wanna talk about it?" He asked nicely.

He wasn't really one to ask about other people, and i wasn't one to talk about myself. We worked well together.

I simply shook my head, "well just tell me if you ever do, I'm here for you, doll face." He said as the main screen to the princess bride came up.

I lifted my hand, "I would smack you, but you chose my favourite movie, so it made up for it."

Josh chuckled and put his arm around me, allowing me to use his arm as a head rest since all he had was a wall behind him.


After the movie I got a text from my dad saying I could spend the night if I wanted to, but to remember that school was tomorrow and I had to grab my backpack from home in the morning.

I groaned loudly, causing Josh to look at me questionably as he wrote random lyrics on paper. I've learned to not try to read them, he views them as too personal to share.

"Schools tomorrow. But I can stay." I said.

"You could ditch with me." He said as he stuffed the paper into the box under his bed.

I glared at him, "y'know just think. Think that if you hadn't ditched so much we might have met before last week. We're in the same grade. We must have at least one class together."

Josh shrugged, "have any with Matt Webb? I'm in all of his, but he actually goes."

I looked at him, "the three morning ones."

Josh smiled, "I usually show up for the afternoon."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll have to fix that tomorrow." I said as I turned and closed my eyes, deciding to stop fighting the sleep that was overpowering me.

Josh turned off the light. "great she's gonna be a good influence on me." He said numbly to himself. I kicked his leg, "I mean 'great! She's gonna be a good influence on me!!" He repeated in a much more upbeat and dripping with sarcasm tone.

I laughed, "go to sleep."

He sighed, "would if I could, babe. Insomniac." My heard fluttered when he called me babe. "I'll just keep protective watch over you."

I smiled and got closer to him.

I can't like Josh.
I can't like Josh.
I can't like Josh.

Can I?

A/N go read my thee story on my other account. The Internship by: perfectalibis

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