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Josh pov

Porcelain just left to get her backpack from school, she made me promise to be there earlier today. I couldn't say no, so I said I would try. It was 7:45 when I got a text from Greg, my dealer.

G: your Monday usual? Long time no hit.

I sighed. The Monday usual. One hit of heroin and two smokes of marijuana. My next hit would be Wednesday. The only problem is my promise to porcelain, that's why I'm late every morning, it takes at least two hours for the red eyes and mental high to go down enough for it to not show. I promised I'd be there earlier. I can make it for the last morning class.

J: sure. Make it an hour earlier?

G: got it. See you in 10

I sighed and went to grab my backpack. An hour early. I would be there on time for the last morning class, social studies I believe.

Porcelain pov

I got into science class and spotted Matt, I went over to introduce myself. I stood at his desk as he sat drawing in his notebook, I smirked, no wonder he's friends with Josh.

I tapped on his desk, "hello." I said. He looked up at me and looked quizzically at me.

He forced a smile on to his face, "hi. New here?" He asked?

I rolled my eyes, "actually we have 3 classes together and have since grade 8. I'm here because over break I became friends with Josh and he said he knew you."

Matt looked at the empty desk beside him, "yeah I know the idiot, and I'm sorry to hear that you do. What happened to make he and you friends?" He asked.

I frowned. The only reason I met Josh was because I was crying when I learned my mom was going to die any minute. "Nothing big. Just met him in the park and got along." I lied, well. Didn't lie, just didn't say the rest.

Matt nodded and went back to his doodle as class started, "porcelain, please find your seat." I nodded.

Matts head shot up at the mention of my name, had he never heard it before?


After class I was walking to my locker when Matt caught up to me, "you're that girl from the woods?!" He asked.

I turned to look at him, "how many girls do you guys meet in the woods?" I laughed.

Matt laughed too, "ok not many. But Josh told me about you." Was it bad that my heart fluttered at that? "I'm sorry about your mom." He said.

I felt tears springing in my eyes as we walked to socials, Matt missed math class already. I felt an arm on my shoulder and heard a familiar comforting voice, "Matt what did you say to her, she was fine earlier."

I laughed as I wiped to tears, not letting them fall, "I'm fine."

Josh stopped walking, "Matt. Can you go tell mrs. Guthrie that we're going to be late?"

Matt nodded, "how about I tell her that porcelain isn't feeling well, because she won't be surprised about you being late."

Josh glared at him, "fine. Go." Josh turned me around and led me outside. We went and sat on the bench between two trees. "Well it's not the woods, but it'll do for now." Josh smiled, "what's wrong, doll face?"

I shrugged, "Matt just expressed sympathy for my mom and I lost it. Her funeral was just yesterday."

Josh nodded and put his arm around me, letting me cry into his black sweatshirt. Josh started drawing circles on my back, "it'll be ok. It'll get easier I promise."

I didn't believe him. How could I? He was saying that it would get easier as I talked about my dead mom. How could that possibly get easier.

But he was right. Over the next two months it got easier, my dad was out of town almost every week for work. People stopped mentioning her death and I managed to stop thinking of it in a bad way, she wasn't in pain anymore, she was sleeping.

Today was the last day of grade 11 and Josh was called into the office during our last class, I went with him since I was riding with him. "What didn't you do this time?" I asked. Whenever he was in trouble he claimed it wasn't him.

Josh shrugged, "maybe their finally putting my name on a plaque for my detention desk and they want me there for the unveiling." He laughed.

We walked into the office and the secretary let us in, they got used to me not leaving Josh's side.

Mr. Derlar frowned at Josh as we sat down, "mr. Ramsay, I'll make this short, I'm afraid I'm gong to have to keep you from moving on to grade 12. You missed the first two classes every morning this semester" I smiled to myself, it would have been three of it weren't for me, "I have no choice but to-"

Josh cut him off, "hold me back."

Mr. Derlar shook his head, "expel you." Josh opened his mouth but closed it immediately. "I'm sorry. But there's no way you'll be able to make up"

Josh nodded, "ok. Thanks for telling me, I guess." He stood up and I followed.

He went straight for his truck and got in, I got in and closed my door. He was smiling like an idiot. "You're not upset one but are you?" I asked laughing.

He turned to me, "are you kidding? I've wanted to drop out for two years my parents wouldn't let me!" I laughed, "I'M FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

He pulled out and drove away from the school. I sighed. "aww man. Now I'm gonna have to bus home from school too."

Josh smirked, "you could walk."

I glared at him, Magee secondary is an hour and a half walk from home. "Yeah right."

Josh smiled, "don't worry doll face, I'll come pick you up."

I smiled, "thanks Josh. Now where are you going? We missed the turnoff for home."

He smirked, "we are going to celebrate."

It rolled my eyes, "we going to matts and I'm gonna watch you have band practice again. Aren't we."

Josh smiled, "what better way to celebrate?"

I smirked, "we could go get piercings." I knew he wanted one.

He pulled over the truck and turned to me, "don't you toy with me porce."

I smiled, "me. You. Tongue rings. Let's go."

Josh's smile got ten times wider, "I've been a bad influence on you doll face."

I nodded and turned up the green day cd he had playing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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