Ice cream and swings

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Porcelain POV

Josh and I spent the day at his place watching movies. We watched space balls and goonies and other movies like those. Just things that would cheer me up.

Right now we're walking to mcdonalds because I want ice cream and josh 'had nothing better to do'. I decided to steal Josh's skateboard and just roll there. I was skateboarding down the sidewalk, holding onto Josh's forearm for balance.

That didn't quite work out because I fell off and if it weren't for him I would've fallen flat on my face. "Ok tony hawk. No more board for you." Josh said taking the board off the ground and holding it to his side.

I tried to grab it from him but he shook his head no. "But you aren't even holding it right. You're supposed to hold it top out so the gripper doesn't grind your jeans." I said almost whining.

Josh smirked at me, "what if I like to have my jeans grinded?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "oh. Just give me the stupid board." I said grabbing it and putting it down before pushing off again. Josh laughed and chased after me.

I ended up beating him to McDonalds and ordered two ice creams before he even got in the door. I got one chocolate and one vanilla ice cream and was handed the two as Josh came and stood beside me.

I handed the chocolate to josh. He pouted, "I'm good thanks." He said turning down the ice cream.

I shook my head, "nope. You're eating it and you're gonna like it." I said putting it in his hand and laying my skateboard down again.

Josh rolled his eyes and started eating the ice cream. I grabbed his arm again because it's hard to eat and balance at the same time. We got about half way back and stopped at a little park.

We went and sat at the swing set and just sat there eating. I turned to josh, "I just realized I met you yesterday and know next to nothing about you." I said laughing a little. "I mean. We're already kinda close but I only know basic stuff."

Josh laughed too, "actually. You know more in depth things about me than my family does. But yeah, we don't know a lot about each other. 20 questions?"

I nodded, "you start."

"Ok. How old are you?"

"15. 16 in April. You?" I asked.

"16, 17 in June." So almost exactly a year older than me. "What's your favourite color?" he asked.

I blew my bangs from my face, they were dark red at the ends of my naturally black hair. Josh chuckled and nodded, "assuming yours is blue." He nodded, "what's your middle name?"

He swallowed his ice cream, "Keeler. Joshua Keeler Ramsay." He rolled his eyes, "I hate my middle name. But I'm stuck with it. You have one?" he asked.

I nodded, "Porcelain Anne Franske."

Josh smiled, "ok I have to ask. Why porcelain? I mean, you've got me thinking of a bathtub or toilet." He smirked at me.

I laughed, "yeah. A few years ago I thought the same thing. I asked my mom and she said it was meant as porcelain doll. Which I thought of as breakable but she said maybe if figure out what she really meant by myself."

Josh smiled, "you two were close?"

I nodded, "yeah. She was diagnosed with breast cancer just after that conversation. My dad was -is always out of town on business so my mom made sure to always spend time with me. Almost never left me alone in the house. Now I'll be alone a lot more."

Josh smiled, "well now you have me to keep you company. And I'll introduce you to my friend Matt."

I put my head in my hands, "maybe Id be better off alone." I said smirking.

He stood up, "well fine then." He said, grabbing his skateboard back and walking. I stood up and ran after him, jumping on his back and holding on. He turned his head towards me, "miss me already?" he asked smirking.

I shook my head, "no. Just lazy. Mind giving me a ride home?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes, "fine." He said, hooking his arms under my legs so I didn't fall.

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