Escape, Finn meets Rey and Alina

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3rd POV

Meanwhile at a Star Destroyer a few of Tie Fighters head towards it while in a room Poe is strap to a machine with blood coming out of his mouth and side of his head, he opens his eyes and Kylo Ren said "I had no idea we had..." Poe slowly move his head "...the best pilot in the Resistance on board" Poe stares at Kylo Ren stands there "Comfortable"?

Poe said "Not really" Walking to him slowly Kylo Ren said "I'm impressed" He stares at Poe "No one has been able to get out of you..." Kylo Ren stands in front of Poe "...what you did with the map" Blinking a bit Poe said "You might want to rethink your technique" Kylo Ren stares at him before raising his hand and begins to use the Force on Poe who grunts softly.

Kylo Ren watch Poe groans and use the Force to push Poe back onto the seat he grunts Kylo Ren ask "Where is it" Poe straining takes a breath he said "The Resistance..." He takes another breath "...will not be intimidated by you" Kylo Ren use the Force again to make Poe lean forward Kylo Ren ask "Where..." He made Poe lower his head " it" Poe grunts and screams loudly.

The door opens to reveal Kylo Ren leaving the room "It's in a droid" He pass a First Order Officer name Hux "A BB unit" Kylo Ren looks to Hux who said "Well, then, if it's on Jakku, we'll soon have it" Kylo Ren said "I leave that to you" He walks pass Hux down a corridor.

Alina POV

The next day I helped Rey to find more items to scavenge we reach Niima Outpost I got off the speeder and help BB-8 off Rey said "Don't give up hope" She walks pass "He still might show up" We head for Rey's speeder "Whoever it is you're waiting for" Stretching I said "He will come and get you my friend" Rey said "Classified".

BB-8 and I look to Rey who reaches for her net "I know all about waiting" Raising a brow I ask "You do" BB-8 chirps rolling next to me nodding Rey said "For my family" She walks over to us "They'll be back" She looks at the sky "One day" Putting a hand on her shoulder I said "They'll come and get you" We head to where Rey cleans her items.

Once we finish cleaning Rey took the items BB-8 and I follow her to Unkar Plutt we waited in line until it was our turn Rey puts the items on the counter Unkar Plutt examines them before placing them in two piles Unkar Plutt said "This pile here is worth..." He looks at it and back "...5 portions" He motion the other pile "But this pile is worth..." He nods holding an item " half portion".

I narrow my eyes at him hearing this Rey said "Last week they were a half portion each" But Unkar Plutt ask "What about the droid" I glance to BB-8 and back Rey stares at him she ask "What about him" Unkar Plutt said "I'll pay for him" We watch Unkar Plutt puts more portions on the counter "60 portions" I watch Rey went up to it about to accept.

I was about to say something but notice Rey stop she looks back to BB-8 then to me I shake my head at her not to do it Rey said "Actually..." She looks back to Unkar Plutt "The droid's not for sale" I smile at Rey who took the 5 ½ portions turn "Come on" We walk away with BB-8 I said "You did the right thing" We leave the building.

3rd POV

Unknown to the two Unkar Plutt grunts grabs the portions and pull them back in and pull out a com Unkar Plutt said "Follow the girls and get me that droid" He close the window in front of him.

Meanwhile a door opens to reveal a Stormtrooper walking into the room approaching a 2nd Stormtrooper who is guard Poe the Stormtrooper said "Ren wants the prisoner" The clamps open and Poe notice looking at the Stormtrooper before being handcuff and escorted out of the room going down a hallway before making a turn "Turn here".

They turn in a small area surprising Poe "Listen carefully" He stares at the Stormtrooper "If you do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here" Confuse Poe ask "What" The Stormtrooper puts his blaster down and takes his helmet off revealing to be FN-2187 who said "This is a rescue" He stares at Poe "I'm helping you escape".

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