Evacuation, Finn awakes, Aayla and Luke

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3rd POV

Above the planet a Rebel Cruiser, a couple of Medical Frigates, and a Transport hover as fighters and transport ships leave the planet while on the surface a transport leaves a couple of Resistance Members carry a crate and an Officer said "We're not clear yet" He and Connix are walking forward "There are still 30 pallets of cannon shells in C bunker".

More Rebels quickly move and looking back to him Connix said "Forget the munitions, there's no time" Another transport ship leaves "Just get everyone on the transports" Suddenly a boom catches Connix and the Officer's attention "Oh, no" Looking to the sky to see a Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace then another appears.

Meanwhile another Star Destroyer comes out of hyperspace at the bridge an Officer name Peavey is watching then before he turns around Peavey said "We've caught them in the middle of their evacuation" He walks pass Hux who looks at the window he said "I have my orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself".

Hux took a step forward "This is where we snuff out the Resistance once and for all" He looks to Peavey "Tell Captain Canady to prime his dreadnought" Hux walks pass him "Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet" He stops while coming out of hyperspace is a Dreadnought Cruiser and underneath is a pair of large cannons aiming at the Resistance Base.

Suddenly the radar is beeping making the Female Officer said "General, Resistance ship approaching" Hux turns to her "Guns and shields in attack mode" Hux walks over to her and looks at the radar to see the ship getting closer Hux said "A single light fighter" He turns to the Officer who is confused while approaching the Dreadnought wings closing is Poe.

BB-8 chirping nervously in his pit and flipping a switch Poe said "Happy beeps here, buddy, come on" He turns a dial "We've pulled crazier stunts than this" Listening to him on the Rebel Cruiser is Leia looking at the hologram Leia said "Just for the record, Commander Dameron, I'm with the droid on this one" Poe said "Thank you for your support, General" Leia turn her head.

Poe leans back on his seat taking a deep breath before exhaling "Happy beeps" Poe flips a switch "Attention" He turn his gaze "This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet..." On the bridge coms "...I have an urgent communique for General Hugs" The Com officer looks to Hux who walks forward he said "Patch him through".

The Coms did that "This is General Hux of the First Order" Hux walks on the path "The Republic is no more" He comes to a stop "Your fleet are Rebel scum and war criminals" Hux raise his head "Tell your precious princess there will be no terms, there will be no surrender" But Poe said "Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs".

Annoyed Hux said "This is Hux" He stares in the direction "You and your friends are doomed" Hux move his head "We will wipe your filth from the galaxy" But Poe said "Okay, I'll hold" Still staring in the direction Hux ask "Hello" Two Officers look to one another Poe ask "Hello" They look back "Yup, I'm still here" Hux ask "Can he hear me"?

He looks to the Coms who nods at him Poe ask "Hugs" Hux said "He can" Hux turn his head Poe said "With an 'H'" He looks back to the Com "Skinny guy" He move his head "Kinda pasty" Turning around Hux said "I can hear you" He walks towards the window "Can you hear me" Turning his head Poe said "Look, I can't hold forever".

Poe adjust his gloves "If you reach him..." On a screen shows a red bar moving across "...tell him Leia has an urgent message for him..." Peavey turns a bit he said "I believe he's tooling with you, sir" Hux stares for a moment before lowering his head "...about his mother" Turning around to the Com before stopping Hux calls "Open fire".

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