Revenge done

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Hua Hua and Wang Zhang is laying on bed

Hua hua " Wang Zhang I have something to tell you "

Wang Zhang jumped off from laying and start checking on Hua hua and asked " Are feeling uncomfortable?? How about I call Chen Physician??"

Hua hua also get up quickly " Aiyaa I'm alright!! I want to say something else "

Wang Zhang sigh in relief and start setting her front hair's with his fingers and said " Say what you want "

Hua hua " Wang Zhang Xiao ai told me that she find something missing on me "

Wang Zhang with a little shockking expression " What ??"

Hua hua " Yess look " Hua hua pulled down her sleeve that exposed her white soft shoulder with the sight of her naked shoulder Wang Zhangs heart start beating fast and his faced turn red and he quickly looked away

Hua hua noticed and start laughing at him " Wang Zhang you are shy !!! Hahaha "
She came closer to him and start saying " Hey look look !! Look carefully haha "

Wang Zhang can't able to control himself and grab hua hua by her both hand and pinned her on bed

Hua hua's breathing got stuck she can even hear Wang Zhang's hot breathing she said in a low voice " Wang Zhang What are you doing??"

Wang Zhang " going to punish you for your mistake"

Hua hua " My body is still weak I think we should control ourselves "

Wang Zhang closed her mouth with his lips Hua hua's heart is just about to burst she can't help but closed her eyes to enjoy it ,
Wang Zhang's lips is pressing her soft lips gently , Hua hua is so lost in his kiss that she didn't even notice that Wang Zhang stopped kissing her

Wang Zhang is looking at her while Hua hua is still closing her eyes and looking forward for his kiss

Wang Zhang " Heyy !! Open your eyes haha "

Hua hua open her eyes and start hitting Wang Zhang by saying " Aaaa !! So embarrassing!!"

Wang Zhang " Hahaha stop it now say what are you showing me "

Hua hua by making a grumpy face " huhh now listen "

After telling everything

Wang Zhang " this is a serious matter you should be careful. From now on before taking bath you need to pay extra attention otherwise this might leak your true identity "

Hua hua " Yess I will be careful but why did you suddenly kiss me ??"

Wang Zhang" You are my wife if I don't kiss you whom should I ??"

Hua hua " Ewww you become so shameless Wang Zhang "

Wang Zhang " If loving you is shameless than I'm willing to be "

Hua hua by her mind " Did he just confesed!! But his kiss is already the confession"

Emperor's study

Emperor is very angry after reading Wang Zhang's memorial about Wang tàizǐ

Emperor with a angry voice " Call Wang tàizǐ right now "

Pei Eunuch " yes Huángdì I'm going right now "

Pei Eunuch went to Wang tàizǐ and called him over there

As soon as Wang tàizǐ Wang Zi came and greet emperor and asked him what happened , emperor throw the memorial of his hand on him

Wang tàizǐ immediately kneel infront of him

Wang tàizǐ " Fuhuang what happened? Am I did anything wrong? "

Emperor " You don't know your mistake?"

Wang tàizǐ " erchen don't know , I beg you to enlighten me " with a fear in tone .

Emperor stand up from standing and said " okk than let me ask did let go Chui Han ?"

Wang tàizǐ " Yess Fuhuang . He promised that he will never do anything like before and in short time there was no suitable person for this post "

Emperor " How can you be so muddlehead!!! If it's not Wang Zhang and Wang fang ( Second prince) who already suspect him And stoped him in time and retrieve the stolen grains and money of military , than what will happen to our soldiers ___ who are fighting for us in front line , how can we face them and there family answer me . "

Wang tàizǐ " Fuhuang erchen know it's erchen's mistake . I should not trust him . Erchen think that he turn into a new leaf that's why ___ "

Emperor" Don't talk _ for next one month you can take rest in your palace "

Wang tàizǐ" Fuhuanggg!! "

Hearing that Wang tàizǐ fell on the ground beacuse he is feeling very guilty and humiliated as it's a punishment for him .

Prince Manor

Wang Zhangs study

Lao Lin " didn't you said that you will not inform Huángdì about Chui Han than why suddenly you wrote about it ?"

With a don't care look Wang Zhang is reading books
Wang Zhang " Don't you know ? "

Lao Lin " obviously I know but I want to hear from your mouth " with a naughty smirk ~~

Wang Zhang by putting down the book of his hand " okk than let me tell you just beacuse of some small game He dare to give my wife hard time it's the result of hurting my wife "

Lao Lin is looking at him in shock and start clapping hands for him " Good !! You are the best husband of the year !! But I'm wandering Xiao Yun is a girl who used to practice material arts how come she become so week to endure few strokes!! "

Wang Zhang with a smirk " Actually!! After all she is a girl that's why maybe "

Lao Lin with a suspicious eyes " Is it really like that ??"

Wang Zhang suddenly get up " ohh I forget something ,I'm going now "

Lao Lin " Heyy ! We just start talking don't leave me alone "

Wang Zhang" My wife is injured I need to feed her "

Lao Lin " Aiyaa ! Our cold prince is so concerned about his wife !! "

Wang Zhang" don't make a fuss, I'm going enjoy by yourself "

Lao Lin by waving at him " Okk goo and spend time with you new wife but don't forget your first wife " ( by pointing at him own self )

Wang Zhang by look back and glared at him
Lao Lin " okk hehe not making fun "


Erchen -Your child .

fuhuang 父皇 to address the emperor.
皇 = emperor
父 = father
So 皇父 and 父皇 just mean emperor father or imperial father.

Copied it from website 🌼

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