Chapter 29

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Prince manor

Xie Tin barged in Wang Zhang's study

Wang Zhang coughingly " xie Tin where are your etiquette??"

Xie Tin " sorry prince but I have something very important to tell you !!"

Wang Zhang " What ?"

Xie Tin " our spies said 3rd prince is in Yuan Chang"

Wang Zhang " Why he is in Yuan Chang all in a sudden?? "

Xie Tin" Aiyaa !! Didn't you heard those rumors about Rong Yun Xiǎojiě and Wang Yang prince ??"

Wang Zhang" what rumors ?? "

Xie Tin" Everyone used to say that in a low voice wang Yang prince and Rong Yun miss used to be in  a relationship "

Wang Zhang standup in anger " Don't talk nonsense my Rong Hua is innocent "

Xie Tin" Obviously we know that present Rong Yun miss is not like past Rong Yun but present Wang Yang prince is just like he was in past so I think he came in Yuan chang to propose our Rong Yun Xiǎojiě as she is divorced now "

Wang Zhang frowned in jealousy and said with a little anger " Go and pack up we are going to Yuan Chang today !!"

Xie Tin with excitement " I'm going right now prince "

Some one came in from window

Wang Zhang " xie an can't you just use the front door "

Xie an is blushing

Wang Zhang " Do you have something to say ?"

Xie an " Ooh prince we,ve received a letter from Wang Yang prince "

Wang Zhang"okk give me "

Xie an handover the letter
After reading it Wang Zhang is a little anxious and tensed

Xie an " Does something happen prince ??"

Wang Zhang " 3rd prince is planing to capture King of grassland and other people's in Yuan Chang"

Xie an " Isn't it a good thing ??"

Wang Zhang" Grasslands new king is not a bad person and they have their inner problem in their court so even if something happened to him in Tang it will not be a big deal for them "

Xie an " Ooh than it will be useless!!"

Wang Zhang " I need to stop him let's prepare for our journey " without even finishing whole line he start coughing again
Xie an run towards him and start helping him to sit down

Xie an " prince take care of yourself!!"

Wang Zhang " I'm fine don't worry "

Xie an with worried expression" How about I went to Yuan Chang in your place ??"

Wang Zhang" Even if I can't protect the women I love what's the meaning of this life "

Xie an " Prince are really a good husband "

Wang Zhang laughed and said " if I was a good husband than I would not hurt her like this "

Yuan Chang city

Xiao ai " Xiao Jiang why miss hasn't still came back I'm worried to death !!"

Yi man " Don't worry I'm going to find her should stay at home "

Xiao ai" okk !! Than go to that restaurant maybe you can find some clues "

Yi man " okk "

Outside of restaurant

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