13 year old CEO!

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Hi my name is Alana and

this is the story of the time I became the CEO of Apple at age 13. Of corse all teens like me know what Apple is, but for the people who don't know Apple is a company that makes electronic devices. But it all started about 6 months ago. I was doing a school project about advertising products. I choose apple for my project. I had to come up with some new upgrades for this project. I thought of holigraphic games/FaceTime, and a see through iPhone 6s. The day I presented my product my teacher brings in a video camera to tape all of our products. Of corse I was first. I went and everyone seemed like they were in love with my ideas. The next week I came into class and my teacher told me she had put my presentation on YouTube. I was so embarresd, but she told me not to worry because the founder of apple was comming to see me that day at 12 o'clock. When it was time for me to see the apple founder I got so nerves. I usually never get nerves but whatever. My mom came and got me from my fourth hour. The drive was very quiet then my mom spoke "Honey, are you alright"

"Never better" I mumbled

Authors note: hey you guys srry this chapter was short I am new to wattpad inbox me how I am doing and please give me some ideas for the story!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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13 year old CEO!Where stories live. Discover now