Chapter 1

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On the way to the dentist, which is a one hour drive given this place is very highly trained and has the best healthcare service, L was remaining calmer than he usually is. Light was surprised to see him like this as he thought having some of his teeth would be yanked out, would literally scare him. "L, why are you so calm all of a sudden? I sure would be scared if I was going through this type of procedure." Light said to his boyfriend, feeling his legs shaking a bit.

"Well, Mello had his wisdom teeth out and it was scary, but not that bad that I pissed myself." He explained to him and everything. This took place several years ago when Mello was 13 and L was 15, almost 16. During the car ride, L cleared his throat quietly. "You want to know something, Light?" He whispered to him.

"What's that?" He answered, looking at him and cracked his knuckles. He was always interested and fascinated in knowing whatever L wants to talk about and that makes him really happy, because it proves he cares about him and listens to him no matter what.

"While we are having a conversation about the orphanage, there's something I really want to tell you, but it's a rumor." He smiled, trying not to laugh as this was something he never has told Light before until today.

"Sure, what is it?" He smiled, placing his hands together.

"So, remember I told you about someone named Roger?" He asked him, trying not to laugh as this is something that really needs to be brought up.

"Yes." He nodded, knowing very well who he is.

"Well, he is Watari's boyfriend." He told him and the younger Yagami gasped, surprised to really hear that. Especially today.

L explained how back in England, someone at the orphanage made a rumor about Watari and Roger have always been very close to each other and when it comes to working together, they have to be all professional and hide their relationship. Then, when it was breakfast, lunch and dinner, they would sit really close to each other. Like really close, where they would smile and laugh with each other. L also explained about how when he became a professional detective, he saw Watari crying and it was unusual as the elderly man himself never does so. But he did and it was because he had to leave Roger the most, but they still stayed together and would write letters, email each other and call one another.

"My god, I really had no idea about any of this." Light said, quite surprised more so to hear all of this too.

"You want to know something else too? So, I was in Dublin and I heard from my hotel room a very loud moaning noise. The walls are so thin that you can hear a bunch of noises. This one, I'll never forget. It was Watari and Roger having phone sex." He said to him, lowering his voice down as he was trying not to laugh.

"What? Oh my god!" He answered, laughing hysterically and Watari heard that. Shit. Light mouthed to himself, almost blowing his cover.

"What's so funny, Light?" The older gentleman asked him, suspiciously wondering why he laughed like some maniac.

"He was laughing about the pie throwing contest." L lied to him, taking a deep breath. He exhaled afterwards and Light wiped his eyes.

"I see." He shrugged, driving some more. Light always thought Watari was straight as a stick, but then thought there was no way as he never seems to have a girlfriend or wife in the past ever. The rumor continues as Watari and Roger have been together since they were 20 years old. The exact same age as L and Light. Shocking, right?

Two hours later...

L, Light and Watari entered the building and L was immediately taken to the operating room. He was in those reclining seats and hooked up to an IV. He began singing to I'm Only Sleeping by The Beatles as this was a song he had in his head all day today. L was then given a nitrous oxide mask and was unconscious instantly. The procedure wasn't that bad to him, even though he had no recollection of what was going on or anything else. About 20 minutes later, L was all drugged up with his mouth covered in gauze and cotton balls. His head also had an ice pack wrap.

"How's Ryuzaki?" Watari asked, thinking if he's okay or not. Light was wondering as well. Watari assumed he would've died during the operation itself but Light calmed him down, telling him it's probably not that bad.

"He's alright. He's still under the laughing gas but the procedure was a success." The dentist said and they both went to L's room. He was sleeping and still on an IV. Light held his left hand and sat down. L looked so peaceful and yet, so beautiful. Like way more than ever when he's sleeping. He then woke up and saw Light and Watari in his room. Nobody else was there so it was them three only.

"L, how are you feeling?" Watari asked his surrogate son, holding his other hand. L made groaning noises and it was hard for him to speak in clear sentences.

"My mouf isth numb." He answered, having some kind of a lisp. He started crying not long afterwards as he realized he sounded like a child now. More than one, in fact.

"It's okay, L. You're going to be fine." Light assured him, stroking his dark hair. L continued crying as the laughing gas really got to him and he was emotional more than ever.

"Light, isth that you?" The dark haired 20 year old asked, surprised to hear his voice. He really liked the sound of it and heard it in his dream when he was under the anesthetic.

"Yeah, it's me, Lawliet." He smiled, kissing his hand. L let out a smile which was painful in it's own right but he was happy to know Light is there and he wants to speak to him alone.

"Watari, can you pleaseth leave the room? I need to speakth to Light alone." He told the older gentleman and he did so. L was trying to figure out what to say but he closed his eyes, feeling tired more so than ever. About an hour later, L then felt nauseous and Light noticed it, going to Watari and asked him to bring the ginger ale he brought from the apartment and fast.

"Sure thing, Light. I'll make sure L gets it." He quietly said, rushing to the limousine. Light went back to L and he was still very nauseous. L was in need of ginger ale and when Watari came back, Light took the cup from his hand, he then allowed L to drink it slowly. That same day, L was all numb and his cheeks were like a chipmunk. The rest of the Task Force showed up for a a visit and L looked at them with a smile.

"L, you look like a squirrel!" Matsuda laughed, pointing to him. Everyone rolled their eyes, thinking this was going to happen.

"Matsuda! Why would you say such a thing? Soichiro responded, quite upset he would say that. Especially today when he firmly told him not to say anything bad about L's appearance for the next few days. "How are you feeling, L?" Soichiro asked L, happy to help him in this recovery as well.

"Like a million dollarsth!" He let out a thumbs up and smiled some more, which was still painful in it's own right. Light came back with a bowl of yogurt and handed it to L. He took it from his hands and started eating it slowly too. He groaned as his right cheek was hurting a lot too. He still tried to eat his yogurt regardless.

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