Chapter 1: Child in the Streets

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A commercial for Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex was playing on TV in a video store. The ad showcased the restaurant's star mascots: Freddy Fazbear, Roxanne Wolf, Montgomery Gator, and Glamrock Chica. The mascots appeared to be in a paradise-like atmosphere, surrounded by vibrant neon lights, a large audience, and captivating everyone's attention with their seamless and graceful movements.

A complete contrast to the outside, where the video was played. The sky is as black as the sky is blue, and rain fell hard on the town of Grand Junction, creating large puddles in the sidewalks and streets, the rain fell so hard that anyone would be foolish not to walk out in this weather without an umbrella.

Across the street from the electronics store, a couple sat outside a restaurant, seeking shelter under a roof from the pouring rain. Their dinner consisted of fast food, and they engaged in a conversation about their relationship. One of them appeared to be contemplating a breakup, causing tension between them. The other party didn't seem too thrilled about the idea and raised their voice in protest. Eventually, one of them excused themselves to use the restroom, and the other followed closely behind, continuing their argument.

During the absence of the patrons, an unaccompanied young boy managed to scale the railing that surrounded the dining area. The boy appeared to have been through a harrowing experience as he bore scars all over his body. He wore a ragged jumpsuit that seemed to have been his only clothing for years. The boy was shoeless, and his feet were exposed to the cold concrete floor. He peered through the window and noticed the sumptuous feast that lay before him. From his pocket, he took out a plastic bag and hurriedly filled it with all the food that he could gather from the table. The boy made his swift escape by climbing over the railing and darting down the alley.

After a long and tiring journey, the young boy finally reached his humble abode - a cardboard box placed on its side. It was just the right size for him to fit in comfortably. He quickly took shelter inside the box, catching his breath and looking around to ensure nobody was following him. Once the coast was clear, he opened his bag and started rummaging through it. His eyes lit up at the sight of a cheeseburger and he picked it up, examining it closely. He took a whiff of the burger and was pleased with the aroma. Without any further delay, he took a big bite out of the burger. It tasted delicious, and he savored each bite of it, realizing that this was going to be his primary source of food for the coming days. Looking at him, it was evident that the boy had been struggling to get proper nourishment for a long time, and his frail appearance bore testimony to that fact.


The sky erupted with thunder and lightning, illuminating the dark town of Grand Junction in brief flashes. Flyers and posters for missing children aged 3-12 covered some of the walls in the streets. The past year has seen numerous children vanish in and around Grand Junction, causing widespread fear and paranoia as the kidnappers remain at large.

The boy, who was without a name and a home, was unaware of the situation. He simply knew that a considerable number of children were missing. Perhaps due to his young age or his need to prioritize his own survival, he didn't contemplate the reasons behind these disappearances.

As he sat in his small space, he made use of his newspapers as bedding and read them himself. During his stay in Grand Junction, he has spent much of his time reading multiple newspapers to pass the time. His days were typically spent wandering the streets, avoiding strangers, searching through dumpsters and trash cans, catching and consuming mice, and stealing food.

The article he was on was about a murder in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, of someone named Victor Adams, a 6-year-old male. it was a tragedy that shook the entire attraction. He's heard a lot about Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, some good, some bad. He has heard that this was the greatest attraction in the world, it was a place for kids and grownups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. However, looks like this joy was tainted by this act of cruelty

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