Chapter 7: Once upon a time...

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(A/N: This Art by Celestial Alpacharon is supposed to represent what Violet is supposed to look like, she was based on the first concept art of Cassie in the first FNAF SB Ruin DLC teaser)

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(A/N: This Art by Celestial Alpacharon is supposed to represent what Violet is supposed to look like, she was based on the first concept art of Cassie in the first FNAF SB Ruin DLC teaser)

Violet Buckley sat in the elevator, catching her breath after barely escaping Chica, her friend-turned-mass-murdering machine. She sat inside the elevator balled up in the corner, she thought about that day they met, as well as all the good memories she had in the Pizzaplex before all this....

She was a very fortunate young girl, she had a wealthy family who helped bring Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex from the ground up. For their assistance in the facility's construction, they allowed Violet to have Special VIP for as long as they continued to help fund the facility, which they could easily. This was like a dream come true for any kid; being able to have free access to the Pizzaplex--- especially after closing hours!

If you asked Violet's parents to use 3 words to describe Violet, they would be adventurous, courageous, and vibrant. Violet was particularly adventurous whenever she was allowed to roam the Pizzaplex freely during closing time, for she was sneaking off into several staff-only places in the Pizzaplex, often getting caught by the staff bots and being taken back to the guest areas. It eventually became a game to her, to see how long she could avoid the staff bots before getting caught.

The day the glamrock animatronics were first introduced to the Pizzaplex changed everything, they were considered state-of-the-art animatronics with AI that was also state-of-the-art, and fully functional endoskeletons that were sturdy, resilient, and flexible. Many came and went over the years, however, one that stood out to her the most was Chica.

Violet remembered that day like none other, one of the best yet worst days of her life. She was roaming the Pizzaplex during the opening hours, so it was chock-full of guests. You could call it negligence, or an unhealthy amount of trust in the people who come in and out of the Pizzaplex; Violet was allowed to roam the place with guests in it without supervision. This ended up being a mistake when a strange-looking man approached Violet and attempted to abduct her, however, Violet was able to alert the staff due to an SOS wristband she carried with her whenever she was in the Pizzaplex.

Violet kicked and shouted for the strange man to let her go, however, but the man threatened her with death and harm if she didn't do what he said. However, one of the new glamrock animatronics, Chica, was nearby and responded to the SOS, and was on the scene in less than a minute. As soon as the man saw the 300+ pound animatronic coming his way, he quickly let go of Violet and took off like a little boy who got caught by his grandmother roughing up her lawn.

Chica chased away the would-be abductor and soon went over to Violet and kneeled to her as she assessed her for any injuries. "Violet, dear, are you okay?" Chica spoke in a concerned tone, expressing a human amount of worry for the little girl.

Violet looked up to Chica, still shaken by the scary event, and soon said "I am, thank you!" and quickly jumped to Chica's chest and wrapped her arms around the animatronic's cold, metal, and hard plastic outer shell. Chica clucked happily, and soon returned the embrace, while sending out a message to security, telling them the kidnapper has been chased away and the threat has been neutralized.

Chica soon pulled away from Violet and began scanning her, much like Freddy scanned Gregory when he found him. "No injuries, aside from slight bruising on your wrist" Chica informed Violet, which released her, "You are one tough little chicklet, ya know what?"

Violet giggled, "I am!" she then went on to tell Chica one time when she was in kindergarten, one boy threw a marker at her face, and she went and slugged him at recess. Chica bawked in surprise upon hearing this; they both laughed. Chica soon suggested she take her to her area, Mazercise, where Violet could hopefully work off this traumatic experience, and Violet agreed.

After that moment, Chica and Violet hung out together all day, such as: exercising in Mazercise, eating pizza, playing arcade games in the fazcade, dancing in the DJ, and even cooking in the kitchen! Chica was a surprisingly great cook and even taught Violet a thing or two about properly cooking a pizza.

"Make sure the temperature is just right! Not too hot, not too cold" Chica said as Violet tried heating the furnace under Chica's supervision, and thanks to her, Violet was able to get the oven's temperature to the ideal cooking temperature. Chica gave Violet a pat on the back for a job well done, "You're a fast learner" Chica complimented.

"Thanks, I get that from my teacher quite a lot" Violet joked with a giggle

"Well..." Chica said before putting her hands on her hips, "What do you wanna do now while we wait for this pizza to cook?"

Violet thought for a moment before suggesting they go to the fazcade; one of her favorite places in the Pizzaplex--- because it's an arcade! Chica clucked gladly at the suggestion and soon said "Let's go have some fun!" as they both walked down the hall to the fazcade, both singing the song "Long Tall Sally"

The memory soon faded, replaced with the harsh reality of the present. The elevator soon arrived, and Violet looked on to see the doors open, into the atrium...

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