Chapter 12: A New Friend?

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The banging persisted, the stranger on the other end kept yelling for Gregory and Violet to open up. Eventually, Violet stood up and opened the door, and the person who came in was someone she recognized from school, Julian Eugen Palmer! He was a Hispanic boy who looked to be twelve years of age, with olive skin tone, black hair, green eyes, and an athletic build. He was wearing a green Montgomery Gator t-shirt.

"Violet?! Is that you?" Julian asked as his eyes gazed down at Violet, for he was a foot taller than her. Violet seemed just as surprised to see a familiar face here in the Pizzaplex, and someone who she doesn't have a good history with.

"Julian?! You in this mess too?" Violet asked at the same time Julian spoke, her tone catching Gregory's attention who was busy looking at the picture of Moawa he drew, going down memory lane of his feline companion. He soon saw Julian, a stranger, so he got a little nervous.

Julian soon walked in, and soon said to Violet "Apparently, looks like we both are, mall girl" Julian said before looking down at Gregory, asking: "Who's this? Who's your new friend, Violet?"

"That's Gregory" Violet answered, "He's someone I met while trying to escape Chica"

"Gregory? You look like you came from the ghetto side of town, amigo" Julian spat as he crossed his arms, judging Gregory's disheveled and thin appearance.

"Julian, don't, okay? We've had enough craziness happen to us and we just want to relax" Violet stated in a somewhat exhausted and annoyed tone, which Julian soon rolled his eyes to and took a seat in the office chair.

"You know, I kind of knew you were stuck in this mess with us, Violet. Though I didn't think you'd last this long" Julian said as he spun around in the chair, to which Violet rolled her eyes and stated that she knew the layout of the building better than everyone else, to which Julian sneered: "Oh yeah, cuz your mama and papa let you practically live here with all their green stuff."

Violet just sighed and sat down next to Gregory, confused and nervous about the situation. He stared at Violet for a few moments and made a gesture that looked as if he wanted to ask Violet who this guy was. Violet soon explained that Julian was someone from their school and that he was someone who liked to pick on Vilot occasionally.

"School?" Gregory asked with a confused expression, to which Violet responded "Yeah, school"

"What... is school?" Gregory asked, showing his lack of basic vocabulary. Julian, bewildered, responded with "Is he serious?" when he heard this.

Violet was as equally shocked to hear this, and she then attempted to explain. "School... is uhh..."

"Hell" Julian interrupted with, "School is hell, Greg. Get it? Hell... Infierno" Julian emphasized with a little bit of Spanish in the last bit of his sentence, though Gregory looked utterly confused about what Julian meant by "hell." Violet just facepalmed at Julian's explanation.

"School is where kids like me and Julian go, where we learn to do things like adding and taking away numbers, how to write letters, the evolution of animals, and how to make friends" Violet explained, before eyeing Julian while saying "And having to deal with jerks..." to which Julian teased Violet by making a "whiner" gesture by rubbing the bottom of his eye with his fist.

"School is... where you learn?" Gregory asked, to which Violet nodded. He still didn't seem to get it, for he asked "Why would you want to learn about that stuff? Don't you also have your shelter where you find your food?"

"No... we don't" Violet responded

"You've never been to school? How did you even learn to talk?" Julian asked

"I listen" Gregory responded.

"Well, can you also listen to the fact that your hair is ugly as hell?" Julain poked with a laugh

"Julian!" Violet stepped in.

"Sticking up for your boyfriend, now?" Julian teased.

"I-uhh!" Violet stuttered with an embarrassed blush "No! No we're not like that!" she suddenly snapped.

"Woa! Easy there, Violin, look like you're gonna shriek!"

"Ugh! I hate you!" Violet yelled at Julian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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