Chapter 8: Chica the Chicken

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As soon as the elevator's door opened, Violet came out with caution--- peeking her head out to see if the coast was clear. She didn't see any animatronics, or any staff bots, or any deranged freaks in furry suits. So, she walked out of the elevator with caution; tip-toeing her way to the escalators. She took a moment to look over the balcony, taking in the sight she oh-so admired; the atrium, and all its glowing lights and its sheer size.

This was no time for recollection though, she knew what was coming, so she had to get down there, get somewhere safe--- but where was safe? Violet began having a sudden realization; where is safe?! She knows this place like the back of her hand, yet she knows wherever she can go, the animatronics most certainly can go too--- what can she do then?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a pair of elevator doors open behind her, and the now menacing voice of Chica calling her name in a beckoning manner. Violet immediately began running down the escalators, not bothering to even look behind her as she ran for her life. Violet ran down the escalators very fast, soon reaching the 1st flight down and continuing down the second, only for her to lose her footing and fall down the escalators.

Violet shouted in pain as she tumbled down the stairs, and she hit her elbow on the way down, making it feel numb. The pain didn't stop her though, she quickly got up off the ground and continued running, however, Chica wasn't far behind now. She walked after Violet with fast and long strides, playfully flicking the knife in her hands.

"Violet, it's not safe out there. Come with me, I can get you somewhere safe" Chica said in a sweet and beckoning tone, although there was a hint of genuine concern in her voice, almost as if she knew what was in this part of the Pizzaplex.

Violet continued running with her hurt elbow, not trusting Chica's words at all, even as Chica was slowly catching up to her, step by step. "Get away! Get away!" she instinctively cried out, with warm tears beginning to leak down her face. Her pursuer didn't seem to regard Violet's pleas though....

"Violet, you can't be here! Monty is here and I don't want him to play with you, he could hurt you!" Chica stated, sounding like an obsessed but concerned mother "You need to come with me, Violet!"

Violet just continued running, however, she was starting to get winded. Suddenly, while she ran, she got a flashback to when Gregory knocked over a shelf to put a barrier between him and Chica! That's what she needs right now, an obstacle to put between her and Chica! She soon maneuvered to the dining area of the Pizzaplex, where many of the seats and tables were for those who were eating Pizza or having a birthday party.

Violet soon to one of those tables, and went down on her back to try and slide under the tables, only to end up scraping her arms and legs up against the carpet! Violet slid right underneath the clothed table and came out on the other side. She soon got up and began running, however, Chica just walked onto the table and off, slowing her down minimally.

"Crap...!" Violet said under her breath as she became more winded, and she soon tried again with the second row of tables, however, she just stayed underneath the table and began moving along the row of tables, crawling underneath like a household pet walking underneath the table for whatever purpose. Her pursuer saw through her tactic though and tried reaching under the tables to get at Violet. However, Chica wasn't able to get at Violet due to her outdated endoskeleton not being as flexible as the earlier models.

Chica groaned in frustration before she soon heard more yelling. She turned around and saw a boy coming through a shutter that led straight to Rockstar Row, and she was able to recognize who the boy was... Gregory! She paid little mind though, as Violet was her target, no one else!

Chica soon got down on her belly and crawled underneath the table to try and crawl after Violet. Exactly what Violet had hoped, for she knew Chica's endo wasn't as flexible as the newer models. So, she rolled out of the tables and took off. "Violet! Don't go! Don't let others find you!" Chica called out for her little friend, but Violet ignored her pleas and continued running, trying to run up some escalators.

However, her plans were foiled when she felt something strike her in the waist and knock her down. Violet cried out in agony and clutched her side, and soon she looked up to see who her attacker was... Vanny.

Vanny looked down at Violet while pointing her blood-stained knife at her, her rabbit mask continued to display what a large bucktoothed grin it always did, perhaps reflecting what was under the mask. Vanny soon spoke "Violet Laurane Buckley, you're still alive," she remarked, almost sounding like she was surprised or impressed Violet managed to survive for this long, "I would've thought Chica would've carved you up by now... speaking off..." Vanny said as Chica came forward.

"M-Master..." Chica said to Vanny as she walked over, and Vanny soon cocked her head to the side as she looked at Chica "Playing with your food again, Chica?"

Chica chuckled nervously, "Yeah... Violet was always a slippery one"

"Whatever..." Vanny coldly responded, "Dispose of her," she ordered Chica before walking away. Violet tried getting up, but Chica pressed her foot down on Violet's chest and pointed the knife at Violet.

"No... Chica, please! Don't do it!" Violet pleaded, however, her once avian friend didn't respond as she looked down at Violet with a look of fear, almost as if she didn't want to do it. Chica remained frozen, hesitant to finish Violet off.

"Chica! It's me, Violet! You know that! I know you are still in there! You don't want to do this! You know you don't" Violet said, seeing Chica was hesitant to stab her--- her friend was still in there somewhere! Vanny soon took notice of this and turned around to see Chica not doing her job in finishing Violet off.

"Chica? Didn't you hear me? I said finish Violet off!" Vanny ordered, "Out of all the kids I need to get rid of tonight, she is one I can't let live! She knows too much about this place and is the one with the best shot at surviving this place, she's a loose end I need to tie up. So go ahead, Chica, finish off this liability!"

"Don't listen to her, Chica! You don't want to hurt anyone! I know you don't! You don't have to listen to her!" Violet spoke loudly to Chica, whose face began twitching, and she muttered "V-Viol-let..."

Soon enough, Chica dropped the knife and stepped off Violet. She soon let out a long, glitchy scream and began crying as she held her head and thrashed around, as if she were in pain, almost like she was trying to resist whatever was making her do these horrible things.

"Fascinating..." Vanny remarked, "It seems like her bond with Violet is so strong it's making her resist the malware... who knew even machines could hold such strong connections?" she deduced before reaching for her back pocket and pulling out some remote controller.

"Nothing a little more juice won't fix..." Vanny dryly remarked as she pointed the controller at Chica and pressed a button, and Chica began to scream louder as she fell onto her knees and kept holding her head.

"Chica..." Violet said, before turning to Vanny with a glare "You Monster!" she snarled.

Vanny put the controller in her pocket, looked down at Violet, and soon said "Now she won't be able to resist, she's no longer your friend now Violet. Have fun being killed by your best friend" Vanny said as she walked away, leaving Violet with Chica who was slowly being overtaken by whatever Vanny did to her.

Chica let out a garbled cry as she went down on her hands and knees, punching the ground while holding her head, desperately trying to resist the malware. "Come on Chica! Fight it! Fight it! I know you can! Fight it! Fight!" Violet encouraged Chica, trying to get her to fight off the malware.

"Come on, Chica! I know you can do it!" Violet said as she got up and slowly walked over to Chica, begging her to fight it. "Come on, Chica! Fight it! Fight it! Fight it-"

As Violet put her hand on Chica, the avian animatronic reacted quickly and swung her arm right into Violet at blinding speeds. The force of the strike sent Violet flying back, hitting the carpet with a thud and a shout of pain from Violet.

She looked forward at Chica who went down to the ground on her hands and feet, crying loudly before going silent. She soon reared her head up to look at Violet, her pupils glowing red as she picked up her knife and soon said with a more menacing tone, "No more games..."

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