Chapter 9: A New Guardian

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He crawled into a trash can, a smelly trash can that had an overwhelming odor to it. Just as he hoped, for he was betting the smell of the garbage would mask his scent from his predator in the form of a canid animatronic, Roxanne Wolf. Gregory went as low as he could and stayed there, listening to the silence....

Suddenly, he heard the loud mechanical footsteps approaching, and the unmistakeable sniffing sound of Roxy, trying to sniff him out. "Where are you, little pup?" Roxy said as she came closer and closer. Roxy soon put her face close to a trash can and sniffed, and was only able to sniff the stench of trash. Her olfactory sensors didn't indicate her prey was hiding in there, so she growled and walked away, clearly getting frustrated with her inability to locate him.

"Sneak away, little coward... I'll find you sooner or later! There's no escape from the great Roxanne Wolf!" Roxanne said as she eventually wandered away, still searching for the boy while rambling praises about herself. Once she was far enough away, Gregory crawled out of the trash can and stealthy made his way to the tables of the atrium and hid under them.

As he hid, he heard a familiar scream somewhere in the Pizzaplex--- Violet! His friend--- the only friend of his kin he's ever had, was in danger; he needed to help her! He took cover next to some chairs and stood up to try and see where his previous pursuer was, she was lurking near the kid's cove sign, still trying to sniff him out.

Seeing Roxanne Wolf far away, he made his move and began moving towards Violet. As he got close, he could see the commotion going on--- Chica attacking Violet! "No more games..." he heard Chica say with a more threatening tone before he watched Chica raise her knife up and over her head; charging at Violet with a yell.

"Violet!" Gregory shouted as he reached out his hand, however Violet was able to dodge the strike when Chica tried to stab her. She heard Gregory shout, and looked in that direction, and so did Chica and Roxy! Chica sneered as she looked at Gregory climb onto the table, and Roxy's head snapped in the direction of Gregory's voice, and soon she began sprinting over!

"Gregory! What are you doing?!" Violet shouted as Gregory waved his arms, "Come on, big bird! Im right here! Come and get me!" he boldly challenged as he waved his arms, unaware that someone else was coming behind him.

"Behind you!" Violet shouted as she pointed her finger behind Gregory, who turned his head around in a flash to see Roxanne Wolf charging right for him before she bent down only to leap forward at him with her clawed hands outstretched, ready to grab her quarry. Her prey was agile though, for he quickly rolled right out of the way of the lunge, making her fly right over the table.

To avoid landing flat on her face, Roxanne was able to press her hands on the floor and lift herself along with her forward momentum, causing her to flip right onto her feet. She let out a low growl as she turned around and glared at Gregory, before turning around and noticing Violet.

"Well, if it isn't the Pizzaplex's little star child, Violet..." Roxy sarcastically remarked, "I see you've reunited with your 'friend' Chica"

Chica looked at Roxanne Wolf, and soon she said "Roxy? Get out of here! Violet is mine!"

"Relax, Chica, im not here for that little brat. Im here for him" Roxy said before pointing at Gregory, and Chica responded by rolling her eyes.

"Now, where were we, Violet? Wanna come see my kitchen?" Chica sinisterly said to Violet as she came over, rubbing the blade of her knife. Roxanne chuckled sinisterly as she stared down Gregory, like a wolf ready to take out a little rabbit, "Nowhere left to go now, little pup! You've wasted quite a bit of my time, by making me-"

Before Roxanne Wolf could finish her sentence, someone from a floor up began firing shots at Roxy and Chica, both raised their arms to block the incoming gunfire. Gregory and Violet ducked down and covered their ears in response to the gunshots.

Chica was shot three times, two in the chest and one in the arm. Roxy was shot four times, two in the chest, one in her foot, and one on her forearm! Once the two kids looked up, they saw a female security officer aiming her gun down at the animatronics. "Get out of there!!" she shouted.

Violet and Gregory looked at each other and nodded. They soon began taking off from the shootout, moving away from the shootout! Violet caught up with Gregory and was able to get close enough to communicate with him.

"Gregory! You hurt!" she stated, noticing his arm--- the bitemarks of that mangled monster.

"Where do we go?!" Gregory questioned, but Violet didn't give a response... she didn't know where to go!

She soon got an idea, "To the fazcade!" she shouted as they soon approached the escalators. They ran as fast as their legs could, and soon they made their way to the escalators and began running up them, even as their animatronic pursuers began to follow them. Vanessa was able to catch up to the kids, still firing a couple of shots in the two animatronic's direction.

Violet looked at Vanessa and pointed at the Fazcade, and Vanessa nodded. "Follow me!" she ordered as she ran in front of the two kids, and both of them ran for the fazcade shutter. It was blocked by a staff bot though, one that demanded some kind of pass for them to enter the attraction.

"Out of our way!" Vanessa shouted before kicking the staff bot in the head, knocking its head right off its shoulder! "Sue me later!" she said as the shutter began to open, and the kids ran through. Vanessa turned around and was able to reload her pistol before the two animatronics ascended the escalators and began accosting her.

Soon enough, Montgomery jumped out of seemingly nowhere and landed in front of the two robots, and he growled menacingly at Vanessa as she continued to aim her gun at them. "Looks like I got a threesome. Lucky me!" she spat before opening fire at the three robots in front of her.

The bullets pierced through their outer shell made of various metals and hard plastic, but they did not penetrate their carbon-based endoskeletons, meaning the gunshots were doing little to slow them down, aside from a slight stagger. As she shot at the robots, she maneuvered her way to a small terminal on the wall next to the door, and soon pressed her hand on the door and shouted "Security Overwrite!"

The metal door soon began to close, however, Roxy rushed past her two bandmates and rushed at the door, only for Vanessa to continuously shoot her. "You can't beat me! Im the best!" Roxy shouts angrily while getting shot, and soon the shutter door closes on her! Loud, rapid, and angry banging could be heard behind the door, along with the angry yells of Monty and Roxy.

"You're not getting away from me this time, little pup!" Roxy shouted angrily, as she banged and clawed against the shutter door.

"Open this door, Vanessa!" Monty demanded angrily as he banged against the door with balled fists.

"Violet! Get back here right now!" Chica shouted as she was also banging her fists against the door, her usually friendly and happy tone was absent, now sounding more angry than anything.

Vanessa sighed as she soon holstered her gun and placed her hands on her knees as she breathed heavily from the adrenaline rush from this attack. When she was able to catch her breath, she turned back around and looked at Violet and Gregory, who were hiding behind potted plants as they gazed at their savior.

"Hi Vanessa," Violet said as she noticed the officer who saved them was Vanessa, she was so busy running for her life earlier that she didn't notice the security officer who saved them was Vanessa, an officer she met many times.

"Hey, Violet... who's your friend?" Vanessa asked, pointing at Gregory. Violet explained who Gregory was and how they met, and Vanessa nodded as she walked over to him to examine his injuries.

"That doesn't look good, let's get that looked at," She said before standing up and looking back at the door, "We should get moving, I don't know how long that door is gonna hold" she recommended.

Vanessa took both their hands, and they soon began walking into the fazcade. Gregory and Violet have now found a guardian in the form of Vanessa....

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