Chapter 11: Office Bonding

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The mood was tense as Gregory and Violet sat alone in the office that was illuminated by the secondary lighting, and they were closely watching Vanessa sneak down the hall and on her way to try and restart power to the area so they could stay safe and secure inside this office.

They sat in anxiety-inducing silence for long minutes, and eventually Violet broke the silence by saying "Can you talk to me?"

"Talk about what?" Gregory said in a somewhat confused tone, given this was a question he hadn't expected to be asked.

"I don't know, it's just too quiet in here," Violet said before asking "What's your favorite color?"

Gregory paused for a moment, trying to think of a color he could pick as his favorite, however, he soon answered with a blunt but genuine "Red," an answer that surprised Violet--- she thought it would be blue.

"Why's what?" Violet asked, and Gregory answered her question by explaining "It makes me think of meat... food"

The answer surprised Violet, for the color red makes her think of roses, tulips, and dahlias--- her favorite type of flower. Violet then chuckled, joking that Gregory wasn't a vegan, a word he was oblivious to. Still, he laughed at the joke and soon mentioned that he also likes the collar white because they reminds him of clouds, and clouds can bring rain.

"You're quite imaginative," Violet commented, appreciating Gregory's unique perspective.

Violet then revealed her favorite color, stating, "My favorite color would probably be... violet." Gregory couldn't help but respond with surprise, "You're a color?" Violet burst into laughter, clarifying, "No, silly! Violet is a color that's a mix of reds and blues!"

Both children shared a moment of laughter, momentarily forgetting the tense situation they were in. The laughter soon died down, and soon Violet asked Gregory "What do you usually do when you're bored?"

Gregory just shrugged in response, which made Violet get up and walk to the desk in search of something. "When im bored, I like to draw!"

Violet soon found a sheet of paper and a pen, and soon came back over to Gregory and put the paper on the ground. "Do you like to draw too?" she asked curiously, however, Gregory's response was somewhat concerning "I've... never drawn before"

"You've never drawn something before?!" Violet said in disbelief, before retorting "Oh no, im going to teach you how to draw!"

Violet showed Gregory the pen and explained that this is what he uses to draw, and she showed him the white sheet of paper and said this paper is what he will draw on. She handed the pen over to Gregory and told him to try drawing something, anything. Gregory was lost... he didn't exactly know what to draw and told Violet as such. Violet just told Gregory to draw something that makes him happy.

Gregory thought for a good minute before he began drawing something on the paper. His art wasn't good, though it was one would expect from a nine-year-old who had never drawn in his life. Violet sat by and watched as Gregory drew something that made him feel happy.

After about two minutes, Gregory was finished and showed it to Violet. Gregory drew what looked like himself and a cat in what looked to be a canyon, possibly somewhere out in the deserts that surround Grand Junction, although the quality of the drawing is about what you'd expect from a nine-year-old who's never drawn anything in their life.

"Wow! That looks good!" Violet complimented, before pointing at the cat, asking who it was.

Gregory explained that the cat was his friend, and he called the cat "Moawa" after the sounds it made. He found Moawa after being hurt by another cat, and he helped nurse it back to health, and they became like friends, like good friends. Gregory explained all this with a smile as he looked at the photo, he seemed to have alot of good memories.

"What kind of cat was Moawa?" Violet curiously asked, however, Gregory couldn't give much explanation on that.

"Moawa was a cat... he was... a wild cat" He described, before going on to explain how he and Moawa got separated. They were traveling through the desert as they did before suddenly they were ambushed by a coyote. The beast had its eyes set on Gregory and rushed him before he had time to react, but that's when Moawa jumped onto the beast and latched onto the side of the coyote's head.

Moawa bit and clawed at the coyote's face savagely, but he unfortunately got caught in the beast's jaws. The coyote went beserk and shook Moawa around brutally, flinging blood all over before Gregory plunged his man-made speer into the beast's neck, which made the coyote let go and its growls and barks turned into gurgled whines before it dropped dead.

Moawa was in bad shape, his injuries were so grave that not even Gregory could save him. He remembers holding Moawa under a tree while comforting the dying feline for hours before it eventually died. Gregory buried Moawa under a tree after he died.

Violet responded to Gregory's story with a somber and sympathetic silence, she began to understand what kind of cat Moawa was, and the life Gregory lived before ending up here in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. They both shared this silence before Violet eventually spoke up.

"Gregory, im sorry you had to go through all that. You seem like a nice person!" Violet said in a slightly shaky tone, feeling bad for the boy, for clearly, life hasn't been easy for him. Gregory was silent as he kept looking at the drawing of him and Moawa--- a single tear streamed down his cheek.

Before any one of them could say anything, the sound of someone banging on the east office door was heard, followed by the voice of someone! "Ey! Let me in!"

The voice didn't sound scared, but rather demanding. Gregory and Violet looked at the door, hesitating to open it before hearing the voice again "Come on, I heard you two in there! I know you're in there! Open la puerta!"

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