~#5~ 丅ᕼᗴ 丅Ꭵᗰᗴ ᒪᗴᗩᑭᗴᖇ ~

19 1 0

His words echoed in your mind.

"You know Katsu, your laugh is still just as pretty as when I first heard it..."

You woke up again, your heart racing a million miles a minute. You sigh wondering why that's pretty much the only dream you've had tonight... It happened on Monday and it's already Wednesday, yet you can't seem to get it out of your mind. You look over to your clock to see it's 4:45am. It's too early to get up but too late to go back to sleep... You still have like an hour until you have to get up though. Your getting up early so you have enough time to meet Takemitchy an hour before school at the nearby park. You try and reassure yourself with things like, 'He was just saying he liked my laugh, it's nothing to get all flustered about.' But that didn't really work so you tried plan B.

You tried to think about yesterday instead...
- Mikey and Draken picked you up early out of class
- Takemitchy is also at your school, in your class in fact, so they picked him up too
- There was confusion and his girl ended up slapping Mikey which made your blood boil
- You said something really mean to her, " They may not fight you because your a girl, but I don't have to hold back since I'm also a girl!" -Takemitchy protected her from you, Mikey and Draken
- Mikey calmed you down a bit and you all cleared up the misunderstanding
- You apologized to Takemitchy's girl, Hina
- She brushed it off and apologized back to you Draken and Mikey
- She asked you to be friends with her and you accepted, happy to have a female friend even after all that
- She left and you guys headed to the nearby field Mikey liked to go to, to think
- You rode bicycles since you didn't wanna ride on a motorcycle just yet, which Mikey made fun of
-Mikey told Takemitchy he liked him because he kind of reminded him of his late brother, Shinichiro
- Mikey told Takemitchy what his overall plan was
- You reminded Takemitchy of tomorrow and not to be late
- You and Mikey rode home on one of the bicycles

That was about all, you then allow your mind to fill up with all of the possibilities of what could happen when you meet up with Takemitchy...

1. He doesn't show up
2. He's late
3. He lies
4. He lies then tells the truth
5. He just tells the truth

The list goes on and by the time your done thinking about all that, it's 6:00am, exactly an hour before you have to meet Takemitchy. You get up get into your uniform, straighten out your hair, make an eat breakfast, pack your back pack, brush your teeth, text your grandmother you went early today, and texted Mikey you couldn't walk to school with him today. You now had 15 minutes to get to the spot your meeting Takemitchy. It's a 20 minute walk typically so, you had to sprint most of the way to make it not only on time, but a little early. To your surprise Takemitchy got there exactly an hour before school, 7:00am on the dot. He was a little out of breath though so you gave him a moment to recollect. You sat on a nearby bench before clearing your throat and starting.

"Look Takemitchy, I'm just going to get straight to the point here, what in the hell are you?"

He looks shocked and also a little worried.

"Uhhh K-Katsumi w-what do you mean?"

"Don't try to act stupid Takemitchy, because it won't go very well for you."

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

You sigh.

"Yesterday I could tell something was off with you. You had this sort of maturity to you that I couldn't quite describe. Though you look like any average middle school loser from the outside. I'll give you another chance, tell me everything."

You were starting to get impatient and even raised your voice a bit. He sighs.

"Well you must be quite perceptive if you've figured that out so quickly... But you probably won't believe me, even if you tell you the truth."

"I'm willing to keep an open mind about all this so, tell me what's really going on here..."

He hesitates a moment before he tells you everything.

"... And now I'm back here again. So to simplify it all, I had a near death experience which sent be back in time 12 year into the past. To go back and forth between the past and the present I have to shake hands with Tachibana Hinata's younger brother, Naoto Tachibana. We want to use this power to save Hina and hopefully some others along the way. We call this newfound power time leaping.  You probably don't believe any of this though..."

It's silent for a moment, before you can't keep it together anymore.

"Oh Takemitchy! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha! I believe you alright, that's way too crazy of a story for you to just make up on the spot!"

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, nobody could make something that wild up on the spot."

"Are you willing to work with me then?"

You think about it for a moment.

"Sure, why not."

"Great! I'll fill you in on something first then, it's only 7:30 so we still have half an hour."


"...And that's my current mission."

"Woah so he dies!?"

"Yeah I'm trying to prevent that though."

"There's no way I'm going to let him die. He's one of my greatest friends and it will break me and the people closest to me too."

"Yeah, but people are starting to show up so we should talk about this another time."

"Alright then, see you in class."

"See you!"

He runs off into the direction of the school. You ponder all the things he just said. Was he really a time leaper? And was the person he said really going to die? You weren't quite sure what to believe at this point...

*•.¸♡ 𝑀𝓎 𝒟𝓇𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒 ♡¸.•*Where stories live. Discover now