Wolfstar - Not Ready

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This one has internalized homophobia, general homophobia, swearing (quite a bit of it, I'm not joking), low self confidence, self hatred. Longer than my usual one-shots. Also unfinished (see the final posted chapter of my rants for more details.) So yeah... happy reading!!


A little rundown that isn't a warning, just something I felt had to be said. I've read a lot of Wolfstar fics where Sirius is scared to come out, where Sirius is dealing with internalized homophobia from his family, where Sirius is always the more hesitant one. But I feel like Remus could be too. And I may be making our precious Moony a bit too much like me in this, but I just felt like I should warn you. 

It had felt like ages since Remus had felt comfortable around his friends. Well, one in particular. The issue was, he had no one to talk to about it. He couldn't just go up to Lily and say he dreams about his friend every night. And it's not like Remus fancies Sirius, that would be absurd. He's just... attractive. That's it. Remus likes his aesthetic. 

How to describe Sirius? Everybody has their own opinions. Depending on how close they are to him. The rest of the school would say 'punk' probably. James would say 'brother', Peter would say... Remus doesn't know what Peter would say. Marlene would say 'chaotic', Mary would say something similar. They mean it with love, though. Lily would say 'competitive', both of them always head to head to be the best in the class. Remus, however, doesn't even have the words to describe him, so I'll try my best:

Remus sees Sirius as the star that he is, the brightest one. He's playful, confident, arrogant, but also sweet and loving. Not that Remus loves him in anything more than a platonic way, though. He's magnetic. He draws people in with his smile and his charm and his laugh and his brain and his Quidditch skills and his hair and his ohmygodseverythingabouthimissoperfectwhatthefuck. ....anyhow. Remus had always felt comfortable around Sirius, until he asked for Remus to pierce his ear... 

Two months ago

"Mooooonnnyyyyy! Come onnnnn!"

"No." Remus says flatly. 

"Why notttttt?"

"Ask James."

"I did. He said no. He's trying to win over Evans. Looking for her in the library. Don't tell him I saw her in the common room, though," Sirius says, sitting beside Remus on his bed. Remus was sorting his records, again, and Sirius was trying to piss of his family, again. "So?" Remus huffs. 

"Maybe. Let me finish." 

"You want help?"

"Not particularly, but since you're offering, could you sort these-" he hands Sirius a stack of records, Beatles records," -in chronological order of release date?" Sirius merely sets the records back on the bed and transforms into Padfoot. Remus rolls his eyes, but pets the dog's head affectionately. Padfoot licks Moony's hand, making him draw back and start sorting his records again, which the dog watched intensely. 

Moony finished eventually, and when he did, Sirius was quick to transform back to his human form. He straightens his shirt and raises an eyebrow at the sitting boy. 

"Will you do it?"

"Fine. But only because you're a cute dog." Sirius grins. "Go get the stuff." Sirius 'calmly' walks over to his bed (he runs because he's a dork) and comes back with a stud and a needle. 

"Have you ever done this before?"

"No..." Remus says. "You should probably get someone else to do it."

"I trust you!" (hello, dear readers. Don't do this at home. Idk the risks but I'm sure there are many. This is a fanfiction of dead gay wizards who never existed so I'm going to say this is successful when I have no idea what I'm doing. Sorry for the interruption, happy reading!!)

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