Marauders - 10

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Just a conversation that is now 100 percent canon. Sorry it's been a while, working on different stuff. Swears and low self confidence from precious baby Moons. Basically just the guys supporting Remus and making him realize he's PERFECT. Pretty short, though. Happy reading!!


"Hey, guys?" Peter asks. 

"Yeah, what's up?" James responds from where he's splayed on his bed, looking at the boy laying on his bed with his head over the edge across from him. Sirius and Remus glance over too, from where they're sitting against Remus' headboard together. 

"What would you rate yourself, on a scale of one to ten?"

"Nine, definitely," Sirius responds. "There's always room for improvement." Remus scoffs and leans his head on Sirius' shoulder. 

"Well, I am the improvement. So a ten," James says. 

"Oh are you, James? Then where does that put Moony here?" 

"Not a ten, that's for sure," Remus says, gesturing to his scars. 

"Right, those badass scars make you a twelve. My mistake," Sirius says. 

"Yeah, your mistake assuming he's not at least an eighteen," James adds. 

"I'd say twenty two, if I'm honest." 

"Shut up, you two," Remus says, turning to hide his pink face in Sirius', well his but Sirius stole it, sweater. 

"What? I thought you liked it when we told the truth," Sirius says, bouncing his shoulder. 

"Yeah Moony. And bold of you to leave me out of this conversation. Clearly I'm the twenty two. So if I'm a twenty two, Remus must be a forty five," Peter says. 

"Of course of course. You know what? Why don't we go ahead and make him a hundred," James responds. 

"S'cuse you, add another zero and you've got where he is. A thousand," Sirius says. 

"Eh, I think twelve thousand," Peter adds. 

"How about a hundred thousand?" James asks. 

"Hundred thousand and one and you've got a deal," Sirius says. 

"Just make it an even million," Peter interrupts. 

"Fair, but I think at least a two million," James says. 

"I'm thinking four million," Sirius debates. 

"Hmm... almost there. How about ten million?"

"Fifteen and we're good." 

"Nah, just bump it up to a hundred million," Peter says. 

"Makes sense, but we might as well just pop another zero on there and get a billion. That's about correct, don't you think?" Sirius asks. 

"I think so," James responds. 

"Same," Peter agrees. 

"So that means the current standings are me at nine, James at ten, Pete at twenty two, and Remus at about a billion?" Sirius says. 

"You guys are the worst," Remus says, shaking his head slightly, but he has  a smile on his face. "Wasn't it from one to ten?"

"Well, sometimes, Moons, we have to change the rules to make them more fair," Sirius says ruffling his hair. 

"Well sometimes... I dunno. I thought I had something snarky to say but I don't. You guys are still the worst." 


Remus, however annoyed at his friends, couldn't be more grateful he befriended them. Whenever he feels even slightly self conscious about his scars, or his height, or his unathleticness, they're always right there to remind him that he's allowed those things. There's nothing wrong with scars or height or not being good at sports. There's nothing wrong with being himself. He's so happy he found people who actually give a shit about him and his feelings. They remind him of his worth, and even though he might not like his appearance sometimes, they always will. 

Thanks for reading this, even though it's short it has a good message, I think. Also, if Remus is a billion you must be at least two billion. Probably more. The guys would agree. So would Mary, Lily, and Marlene. As well as the Slytherins+Pandora. And me, of course. <3! Happy reading!!


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