Headcanons pt2 (but even more random)

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Still not a chapter. Just another headcanon pile because I have more than I thought. Also other random opinions that I have about these people. Very random still. 

James is the mom friend and the idiot friend at the same time. And DON'T tell me Peter was the idiot friend. Ok? He's just the idiot. He doesn't get the label of friend. And DON'T tell me that 'Peter was friends with them when they were young' yeah? Well I don't care. He doesn't get the friend title. Not on my story. 

Sirius buys Remus chocolate. Like this is pretty common but it needed to be mentioned again. 

JAMES CONSTANTLY CALLS OUT ANSWERS IN CLASS (he's one of those kids and you know it) AND ONCE IT ACTUALLY HELPED LILY BECAUSE SHE WAS SUPER TIRED AND DIDN'T KNOW! Sorry for yelling. It just had to be loud. 

and like idk why but I just really like hockey au's. They're just cute. idk. (Sweater Weather, Sweater Weather, Sweater Weather, Vaincre, Vaincre, Vaincre, sorry I might be slightly obsessed but like... can you blame me??? O'Knutzy is just- idk I don't have words for it)

Ok but gay ship supremacy. Like what's better than Jily? Jegulus and Marylily. What's better than BlacKinnon? Wolfstar and Dorlene. What's better than Peter? Literally everything. Including Snily. Well maybe they're equal I hate Peter so damn much.

Also never try to defend Snape on any story of mine. Just don't. It won't end well. 

ALSO we as a fandom have definitely already established this BUT Sirius has really pretty handwriting. Things he learned by being a pureblood:


Ballet (you know he did)

Wandless magic (I like to think so)

Wordless magic (question: can you do both at the same time? WAIT it's been a total of three seconds and I remembered A: the snake incident in book one, B: the aunt Marge incident in book three, I'm sure there were more but whatever)

French (he just did)

How to live up to the Black family name (that worked well)

How to not sleep with your male, halfblood, werewolf best friend (might have worked better even)

They did not teach him how to fancy girls. They thought it was a given. It was not. 

Feel free to add more. 

Also this has nothing to do with literally anything but the bar scene in Chapter 13: April Part Two of Vaincre by lumosinlove (ao3) gives me such joy. Minor spoilers for the ships in the books (all of them). Also the fact that Finn's nickname is O'Hara and PERCY CALLS HIM A'HORA!!! Also the O'Knutzy is very cute always. I love them so much. And KIT KAT AND M&M AND JOLLY RANCHER! PERCY AND FINN ARE MY FAVORITE BEST FRIENDS IN THIS! (it has background Jily btw) Ok here's the thing. It's a SEQUEL! Sweater Weather is the first and it's also very good very good very good very good. Then Vaincre. Then Coast to Coast I believe. The OCs in all of them are just *chefs kiss*. It's just really well written. My stamp of approval. I have no more words for it. Just read them. You won't regret it. Just cute hockey fics like idk what else to say. (Wolfstar, Jily, and various OCs including O'Knutzy, Alex/Kasey/Natalie (? I think that's her name), Thomas/Noelle, Cole/whatshernamethatwesawforfiveseconds) I love them. READ THEM I WANNA RANT. P.S they call Remus Fruit-Loop and I cannot even like comprehend the feeling that brings me. 

Also relating to that SLIGHT rant about that there's also the fact that Logan calls Sirius Cap in the Ranger's changing room and everybody (Saint) hates that. 

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