The Bitch is Dead

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It's been years since I've been hunted. Many people have helped me along the way, protecting me, teaching me and all of them have said hello to a dear friend I've made not too long ago... Death. All of them died, by the hands of those who seek my death, those who wish to sacrifice me to the gods to keep their precious balance and some of them by my very own hands. These very hands are drenched in the blood of my enemies... and former comrades.

"I'll give you anything, money, information you name it!" my next dead enemy begged. Blood splattered on his face, whose blood is it I don't recall anymore. "Please just spar-" in less than a second his head detached from his body. A high pitched scream echoed through the room. That's right this bastard's wife is here. I grabbed her by her hair, tears flowing down her cheeks followed by pleas of mercy.

"______!!" That name only one person called me. I raised my head towards the doorway to see them... my mother besides her was someone I didn't recognize. "Let her go and let's go home ok?" she said, holding her hands up. The person beside her holding onto their weapon tightly. I let the bundle of hair I was holding go, the woman thanking me. My mom's face showed relief, her partner slightly relaxing. "Come let's get out of here and get you cleaned up" my mom said. I looked her in the eye then without hesitation put a hole through the woman's head killing her. Both of them tensed up, my mother looked at me shocked.

"Oops my bad, unfortunately the person you tried to reach is not here." I said looking at them with a smile on my face. The smile disappeared instantly "The bitch is dead, she died a long time ago". I called on the only thing I could remotely trust, something coming out of the ground grabbing the bodies of the couple bringing them to the ground. Before my mother and her partner could do anything, two things that I cannot explain pinned them down. I just walked out of there, not taking a single glance at them as I passed them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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