Chapter 1

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Neab's POV

Solemn Port.

"I suspected that, since we already lost communications to one, we can't guarantee that our QDX will also last longer, so we need to do this as soon as possible," Sho said.

This is not good, we lost Leo. It won't be long until we lose Cake and Sho too. My QDX will be the last to fade since I have the master.

It's too far for my eyesight, but I have eyes on Cake. But someone is behind her.

My stomach dropped, that person looks scary, he was all in black and his hair was braided, I couldn't recognize his face as it was dark but I noticed his arms were fully covered with tattoos.

I try to warn Cake "Cake there is someone behind you" I scream my lungs out, but Cake doesn't seem to hear me, "Cake... Turn around, turn around... Hello, can anyone hear me?? Agent Sho?? Fighter ?? Guys..."

That's odd, no one can hear me, I was expecting Cake's QDX to fade anytime. But at least Fighter is supposed to hear me. I spot Fighter, and it seems like he is arguing with someone. I try to spot Sho, but I can't find him. I'm confused, I had the master QDX and Fighter had the alternate one.

It suddenly flashed me, I made 6 QDX in total this time. I initially did just 5 but the alternative QDX was missing, I assumed that the alternate one was faulty and had melted off. So I just did another alternative, but now I'm starting to think, what if the QDX did not melt off, what if someone stole it?

But who would do that? Cake would be anyone's first suspect for theft, but here she is the one in trouble, there is no way she has stolen a QDX. Leo is out of the list because he was the first one to completely stop working.

It comes down to Fighter and Sho, it's hard for me to suspect both, Fighter and I had been through this together, more than anything we had built trust, I don't want to believe that he could have betrayed me. And then there is Sho, it's not possible for him to steal, he is the leader and more than that ... He is my lover.

I spot Cake again, she is trying hard to fight her opponent, she is knocked unconscious and he throws her on his shoulder and starts to walk away. I stop thinking about what would have gone wrong, I spot Fighter again, and I see him running.

"What? Fighter? No ... Did Fighter betray all of us? He was running towards the ship. The only reason for him to go to the ship should be to take his quill back, but he can bring it back remotely. 

Hacking? I'm sure he could have hacked the ship already without the need to be inside. At this point my blood is boiling, he is a traitor, and he betrayed our trust.

I take a deep breath and finally find the courage to go save Cake on my own. I can't find Sho, so it's up to me now. I draw my arrow, I'm sure I will not hit Cake, I cannot miss, and I cannot afford to miss, not this time. I took my aim and then I heard.

"Neab..." It was Sho. But the voice was not from QDX ... It was right behind me.

I loosen the grip, but I don't put the arrow back in my quiver. I just lower the bow and turn back.

"Sho... " I run to him, "Cake, she is being taken... Fighter, he betrayed us. We need to save Cake" I run back to my post and aim again.

"Neab, don't do it" a cold shiver ran down my spine.

I looked at him in disbelief "what?" I asked

"Neab, don't shoot" he repeated again.

"But why?"

".." there was no reply

"Sho answered me, I thought Fighter betrayed us... unless" the thought of Sho betraying me broke my heart into pieces. "How could you?"

"Neab listen to me, I am doing this for you... "

"For me, how is betraying me, and putting Cake in danger would be for me" My tone was high, I was tearing up and also shivering with anger.

He stepped closer with sympathy in his eyes. I know he is thinking about hugging me to comfort me, but I step back, I don't want him near me, I am disgusted, how dare he put someone from the squad in danger and tell him he is doing it for me?

"I always knew I should not believe any of you agents, you are criminals anyhow, it wouldn't take long for you to turn sides"

He looked at me. I know I took it too far, but I am angry and I don't know what I am saying. He was on the verge of tears, but they did not surface making me angry, at the back of my head I was thinking about Victoria. If he knew he was going to end up betraying us, he wouldn't have made us acquainted with his family and daughter. But consciously I was thinking only one thing, he betrayed me, he betrayed the squad, he is a traitor, and I have been sleeping with him all this while. I was nothing but a whore to him. He never had any feelings for me, he just made me think as he did, he made me develop feelings for him though, in that way he took advantage of my trust and cheated me.

"It was you wasn't it," I asked, "you were the one to steal the QDX wasn't it?"

" You're right," he said without making Eye contact

" Why did mine stop working earlier than expected ?"

"Because I swapped one of the alternatives with the master"

Only when I thought I couldn't be more hurt he adds more to the pain.

"So you had the master the whole time?"


"But when did you do it? I am the one with the master key, I should be the only one with access to the vault in which the QDX was. If not for me Fighter is the only other person who is capable of hacking and stealing it, don't tell me Fighter was on with this from the beginning"

"No, no one knows about this, I am the only one who is in this?"

"I can't believe it" I pace around clutching my hair "don't tell me, you got into the vault with the master key while I was asleep after we had sex"

He just looked down.

"You disgusting bastard" I yell at top of my lungs and aim at him with my bow and arrow.

"Neab, I am sorry, but you need to understand why..."

"Shut the fuck up, You entrust me with that key and you steal it from me? and you do it to betray the team, you filthy bastard, I'm gonna kill you" I never imagined those words coming out of my mouth, especially those that will be addressed to Sho.

"Neab I know you are angry"

"The fuck I am" I take a few deep breaths, I stare directly into his eyes, for the first time not out of love, but instead with pure hate, His eyes show love though, making my heart weak, I close my eyes and lower my bow "You know what, fuck it, I'm not gonna do it, good luck explaining to Leo on what you have done to us" Leo is the most loyal to Sho, suddenly I remembered Cake. I turn around and try to spot Cake and the other man in that building, but I can't find them there. I take a call and say "I am going to save Cake" and start walking past him. That's when I felt a sharp pang on my neck, Sho had injected me with a tranquilizer, I was in utter shock, I touched my neck and pulled out the needle. "You asshole" was the only thing I managed to say and then everything was blank. 

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