Chapter 9

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Leo held Cake's hand and turned around to walk out of the room. The moment they stepped out Neab came into sight.

"Neab?" Leo did not expect Neab's appearance.

"Cake? Are you alright?" He asked her

She nodded

"Who were you guys talking about?"

"Guys get out of there now" Sho's voice was panicky, "The alarm has been triggered and more people are gonna flood in and we don't have back up"

But it was Neab they are trying to hide something, the one time he ignored his gut feeling because of the trust he placed in the person he loved he was betrayed, and he is never gonna go against his senses anymore.

"Neab, come on let's go" Leo held his arm to drag him out of the place.

But Neab stood still, he looked at Cake. And the look on Cake's face said it all, he realized that everyone is trying to hide something from him and that something is inside that room.

Neab shook off Leo's hand.

Leo blocked his way, "You don't want to see this buddy"

"I will be the one to decide that" and he stepped into the room.

He heard growling, and his stomach churned in fear he saw two figures lying on the ground, he was sure one was Amanda, and the other one he recognized to be his mother's murderer. He saw another figure that was standing, the room was dim so he couldn't see the face clearly, his breathing was heavy, and with each breath, there was a growl.

Neab stepped closer, each step hoping that his gut feeling needed to be wrong. But that thing is never wrong, and the one who was standing in front of him was none other than his twin brother Max.

Max's head turned and he looked straight into Neab's eyes, the scientist noticed that his brother's eyes were red. Somewhere at the back of his head, he was happy that he found his brother, but the thing in front of him was really his brother.

He stepped closer with caution, he touched Max's arm the next moment it felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs and he fell back.

Max did not attack him, but he reacted to the touch with such an animalistic roar the whole crew was scared, including Sho.

"Leo, get them out of there. NOW" Sho yelled.

Leo grabbed Neab by the scruff of his collar and dragged him out of there, his eyes were still fixed on his brother, tears ran down his face, and that was all he could do, he couldn't resist Leo nor could he utter a word. But at the last moment, he swore he saw the red eyes slowly turning back to hazel brown for a second and back to red again.

For the first time, Cake saw the exterior of the place she was kept captive in. It wasn't a building, it was a ship. She was on a ship the whole while and she did not even realize it. They headed towards the chopper which Cake immediately recognized belonged to the Agency.

Neab was still being pulled by the scuff and forced to get into the chopper, Neab was in full shock he just sat without a fuss. Cake did the same as well, but her heart was pulling her back, Max was still there, Leo said he was broken beyond repair, Neab seems to have lost hope as well, but Cake cannot forget the moments they shared, she knew how Max wasn't a  monster after all, she was the only one who knew.

Leo headed towards an island, there was a lighthouse, and below was Sho.

"Cake, throw the ladder," Leo told Cake

She rolled the ladder down and Sho climbed up, she noticed the sniper strapped to Sho's back. Leo did not wait for Sho to climb up into the vessel, he just flew east. Sho eventually reached the chopper and sat down beside Neab

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