Chapter 7

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Phoenix Mafia headquarters


Being left alone made Cake think a lot. She thought about Leo, how much she missed him and his comforting touch. She knows that Leo would be great if he knew that Cake agreed to Sho's dangerous plan.

Sho after he recruited Cake as his trainee, it didn't take him more than a week to reveal the actual mission to her. Cake knew no one else on the team knew about this plan. Due to that she always stuck close to Sho and tried hard not to talk too much even though she was really talkative.

Sho once told her "You are the only one on this mission Cake, do not let your emotions win over you, I know you are young and you were free, but now you are here, we are here for you. I want to repent all my sins by doing this for Neab and Dir. Carter. And I need your help with that, I want to train you, train you hard. Do not hate me if I am too hard on you, because I have hopes for you, I know that you will be the only person to escape safely"

Then she remembered what Fighter told her "Don't let Sho run all over you sister, he is all right but remember you have a life of your own, you have no idea what he did to me during the brief period I was with him, he made me work day and night, and then when the work was done... Well, of course, he gave me my freedom but the point is you have your own life, that mechanic over there, he seems to be interested in you, it isn't bad giving him a Shot is it? "

And then she remembered Neab "I've been working on this device for so many years, I'm trying to find someone but it isn't too successful at this moment" she doesn't share any fond memories with Neab except for the time when he gave her a brass knuckle.

Even though Neab never revealed who he was trying to find, Cake always knew how much finding his twin brother meant to him. The way he craved the love of a family made Cake wanna do this for him.

Those guys were like Cake's family, when she was in the shelter she met with a couple of people who would offer her help, but it was always for something in return. And being with them never felt like home. Being with these guys was when for the first time Cake felt like she belonged.

Finally, her train of thoughts brought her back to Leo, she can't bear to think how he would have reacted to finding out I gave up myself as bait. He would be so pissed at me because she did not utter a word to him about this plan. She shared everything with her recently, he was her boyfriend after all, she smiled when she thought about how sneakily they would move around to make out.

"Have you decided to talk yet" was Max's voice, Cake flinched and her smile disappeared, well it wasn't evident with the cloth stuffed in her mouth anyhow.

"Hmm... Hmmm"

"You have 20 seconds to tell everything you know, if you do not give me what I want, you know what I am gonna do"

The cloth came out and Cake said "Wow that hurt, can you please remove my blindfold and lose my hand a little as well please, it hurts to be in the same position for a long time"

"Your time is up"

"Wait wait wait... I didn't ... Hmmm hmmm hmmm"


6 hours later

" This is your last chance," Max said to Cake, " Amanda will be here any minute, so you better tell the truth or you gonna die for sure, DO YOU HEAR ME? " He said as he held her Jaw harshly. He pulled out the cloth from her mouth

*Cough, cough, cough* " Santa Maria, I'm hungry, can I get some pasta or something, " Cake asked

" Do you even realize why you are here?"

" I know more in than anyone as to why I am here"

" If it's anything related to finding the location of this place and informing you whoever you are working for, that's not gonna work" the look Max had in his eyes was a disappointment. " No one can find you here"

" If you are trying to keep that sad face and guilt trip me into saying something, I'm sorry Max it's not gonna work" Cake still said it in a fun way. Because that's her job, her purpose to be here is to gain trust and escape.

There were footsteps in the hallway, and there was a woman's voice in a monotone saying " You pathetic bastards are so worthless"

" Amanda, we are trying our best" Cake recognized that voice to be Julio's, Max's molester.

" I don't think you are trying hard enough," Amanda said and they entered the room where Max was standing and Came was tied up to the chair.

Amanda looked right into Cake's eyes.

" I can't believe you couldn't get one small piece of information from a little girl" she scoffed, she then looked at Max, and she gave him a state of disgust. " Are you gonna make her talk or do you want me to take control?" she asked Max

" We stopped the supply of food and water for 3 days, she just won't open her fucking mouth," Max said as he looked down.

Cake was stunned by the Tone he used with her, it was pure fear and on top of that he lied, more than anyone Max knows that Cake did not keep her mouth shut, she kept saying irrelevant things to the point where Max could go crazy. Cake stared at him just to see if he was gonna say something about her annoying nature, but he didn't he stuck to what he said, he didn't say anything more because he knew if he revealed that Cake was just wasting their time it would infuriate Amanda even more.

" So you clearly couldn't do the job Max, it's time to activate you"

Cake couldn't understand, what does she mean by " activate you" Max isn't some kind of robot, she looked at Max, she probably expected a shock or an expression of disbelief, instead he shut his eyes and his head was bent down. She noticed his chest heaving a heavy breath, a sign of something that he doesn't know what to do. 

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