Chapter 2

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Neab POV

I was slowly gaining consciousness. I can see Sho's legs from above, meaning he has been carrying me on his shoulders. My arms are swinging, my eyes are blurry, my head is pounding and the spot on my neck where I was injected still stings.

"Let... Me... Go" I weakly mumble,

"I'm sorry Neab" Sho said

"Stop... Leave me..." I mumble again and try to throw weak punches at his back. I'm sure I'm hurting myself more than I am hurting him.

"You won't be able to walk, let me carry you till the Cottage"

Cottage?? What does he mean? Are we not going to meet Leo at the aviation station? Are we not gonna take the jet back to Highburn park? So many questions running through my head, but I am not able to voice out anything.

I felt him slowly lowering me, suddenly there was a porch and he placed me on the chair. I still can't see clearly, so I weakly raise my hand to feel my glasses. I realize that they are not there.

Sho unclasped the chain from my neck and used the master key to open the cottage door. I really want to give a witty comeback like 'Why give it to me in the first place if you are allowed to take it whenever you want', but I am neither Leo to do so nor do I have the energy to say anything.

He came closer and replaced the chain on my neck. I so badly want to roll my eyes. but I know even if I attempt, my head will fall back. Instead, I just stare at him. I know nothing is going to be the same, no more sneaking around, no more talking about the future together, and no more love. I know he is also aware that the thing between us is over, but the way he is looking at me feels like he wants to make up. How on earth will I agree to make-up, he is a fucking traitor, he played with all of us. I have no clue where any of my other teammates are. But Cake is the only one who is on top of all the thoughts, that poor girl trusted this monster now I understand that she was brought into the squad as nothing but a scapegoat.

I don't know the reason for what he is doing all this, I don't even know why he has brought me here, I know one thing though, that even if he tries to explain his side, it won't justify my broken heart.

He carried me again, I tried fighting but changed my mind. He brings me inside and places me gently on the bed, I fall back and my brain is forcing me to shut down as I struggle to keep my eyes open. He bends down and places a soft kiss on my forehead. I am absolutely disgusted, by the audacity that he thinks he can kiss me in this state, I hate him more.

"Stop struggling, just sleep" he brushes my hair, I try to resist but it is hard, I close my eyes and again I pass out.




I heard the phone ringing, and along with that I felt Sho's arm sliding from my waist, I assume he snuggled up to me while I slept. I open my eyes and I see Sho waking up. I wanted to smile, I wanted to pull him closer and kiss him, I wanted to forget everything and treat it like it was a dream. But it is not a dream, isn't it? Sho did betray us, Sho compromised Cake's safety and let her be kidnapped, and Sho did lie to each and every one of us. Wait? Fighter? What about him? the last I saw him running towards the ship, where was he now?

"Hello" Sho picked up the phone, it was put on speaker

"Sho, as you asked me, I have docked the ship on the island you have asked me to" It was Fighter's voice

Is Fighter part of all this, It was enough for me to learn that my lover has lied to me, I did not want to believe that even my lab partner would do that.

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