Chapter 4

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Neab POV.


2 days later

I was in my lab and so was Leo. Fighter was still coding, he has been on a coding spree for the last two days. If I ask he just says he is improvising the Hexa code, he just got an idea that it is absolutely untraceable and unhackable. When Leo said 'I thought it was unhackable' he said 'Neab managed to almost hack it, hence it is not completely protected'

Leo was also working on something, Leo is smart after all, and he gave me an idea that I did not think about. I always used the LED screen to insert samples and use my laptop to check on the data and track the person. He suggested that if we install a GPS on the DBND, that way we don't have to carry a laptop around. This is genius actually, because it came from Leo, at this point no one is more desperate than Leo to go on this rescue mission, clearly suggesting that Leo works intelligently under pressure. He was trying to wield a tracking device in the DBND. I assumed he could only work with vehicles, seems like he is pretty good with other devices as well.

And I was working on the data looking for anything I could find on Cake, since we are not supposed to go to West town or the Ember tribe, we have nothing on Cake, no hair or toothbrush from where we can take a DNA sample. I would just be lying if I say I was looking for her DNA sample the entire two days, I wasn't working like the two other guys, I have just been staring at my laptop screen but have been only thinking about my brother Max.

A little bit of history, Max and I were born to Dir Carter and his girlfriend i.e our mother Agent Karli Parish. Mom and Dad worked for the government, they fell in love and had us. Dad loved us, not going to deny but mom was never around, dad founded the NMC secret agency after knowing that he was only being played by the government and not telling him what he should be knowing. NMC is basically named after his sons Neab and Max corporation. Soon NMC grew so much that we are a secret even with the government.

No traces and no records of anything. We are here to save the world that the government cannot and will not bother investigating, we fight the crimes that the government overlooks.

I was always a nerd, science and inventing things that will be a resource to the world always interested me, but Max was the complete opposite, he was just like dad. He trained day and night to fight, blades, knives, swords were always his strength. While arrows were mine given my accurate senses. I have been taught to shoot arrows since I was four, so that is why I am good at aiming. Max was an inventor as well, but he focused just on weapons, guns, bullets, and explosives that interested him. Dad loved us equally because we both contributed different things, but I always had a feeling that dad loved Max more than me, the reason was obvious, Max was born to be an agent just like he was. And I was born to be a scientist, which is odd because no one in my family is a scientist nor is interested in saving the world. all are just focused on fighting crimes and choosing violence.

More than anyone Max accepted me for who I was, he gave me more love and attention than anyone. Max was not only my twin brother but also my best friend, we did not look alike, we were fraternal twins. But we always did things together, one of our first inventions is the suit our father wears. On the outside, it might look just like a classy crispy suit that has just come out of the dry cleaners. But each and every single one of the suits our father owns is water, fire, and bulletproof, not just that the suit could detect danger from almost 2 miles and can send out a deadly plasma blast for around 100 meters. It has saved our father more time than we thought while we were inventing these suits for him. The funny thing about it is that we were just kids, we were only ten years old when we accomplished it. A small little fun birthday gift we tried to give out to dad during one summer was our greatest creation ever.

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