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Jennifer's pov

I rolled out of bed this morning but I could already feel the room. Leah looked nervous. Or stressed.

She's been that way lately. I always ask her what's wrong and if I can do anything to fix it but she always tells me she's fine, but I don't buy it.

I don't why she's stressing and I always tell her she can come to me but at this point I can't do anything about it.

I'm in the bathroom right now finishing the last touch ups when Leah's comes in the bathroom.

"Hey baby" I smile at her through the mirror. She forces a smile my way. I look at her this time without the mirror.

"Baby you ok?" I ask. She looks at me but seems like she's not here mentally. " what'd you say?" She asked.

I look at her, not wanting to get in a argument this early. "Nothing babe. Never mind." I said and walk away to put my shoes on.

The intensity between us is so high, even Mariela noticed that. I don't know what to tell her when myself, I don't even know the reason.

It hurts to know she's going through things and all she's doing is keeping it inside.

All I want to do is help her but it seems no matter how much I ask, all I do is stress her out more, which I don't know why.

After putting my shoes on, Leah comes in. I look at her but she doesn't look at me.

She grabs her purse and walks past me. "Have a good day, I love you." I said softly. She nods her head. "Love you too" she says and walks away.


I'm coming back from work, which I'm kind of excited for, not because I'm finally off work, but I had my assistant make reservations at Leah's favorite restaurant.

I just want to have alone time with her. Mariela's older now, so I could drop her off at Leah's mom house.

I've been waiting all day to go home to surprise Leah. I know it won't do much but I want to get her mind off things for a little while.

Once I get home I see Leah's car there. I already get nervous.

I pull the keys out the ignition and head inside.

I close the door and see Mariela watching tv. "Hey baby" I said and kiss her head. "Hey" she says amused by the tv.

"Mama and me are gonna go out tonight, you're gonna stay over at grandmas okay?" I told her.

"Okay, am I sleeping over?" She asks pausing the movie.

"Most likely" i smile. She tilts her head looking at me. "Okay" she says.

"Speaking of mama, where is she?" I ask her. "Upstairs" she said and plays the movie.

I go upstairs and open our closed door. Leah was on the phone. She was smiling.

"Hey beautiful" I make my presence known.

She looks at me, forcing a smile. "I gotta let you go. I'll talk to you later" she says and ends the phone call.

I walk up to the bed and sit on the edge. "Who was that?" I ask softly.

"Someone from the office" she said and sits up going to the bathroom.

"Wait I have something to tell you" I said.

She stops in her tracks and looks back at me raising her eyebrows. "What is it?" She asks.

"I booked us a reservation at Vivian's." I said and she smiles.

"For what?" She asks and sits on the corner of the bed.

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