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Vaelerys sat by her window staring out at the greenery which surrounded the inside walls of Sunspear. Aurane laid upon her bed as the handmaids unpacked her things.

"Many of these dresses will be to warm my lady. Would you like me to ask Prince Doran to purchase you some Dornish heat friendly gowns?"

Vaelerys shook her head.

"Many of the gowns here a quite revealing. I would rather choose them myself." She said quickly before she went back to watching the people walk below.

Vaelerys has subdued the quarrel between her brother and betrothed. Vaelerys had decided to stay in Dorne and marry Oberyn Martell in fear of punishment from her brother back home at Castle Driftmark. He would not welcome her with open arms, even if she had been disrespected.

Aurane would be staying at Sunspear until the wedding took place. From what Prince Doran had said, it was to be a very large affair, common folk would be joining the celebration in five days time.

"I will kill Monford for you. I'll mail his head back to you and you can leave your whorish husband and return home as Lady of The Tides." Aurane mumbled as the maids left the room.

"You jest on Prince Oberyn yet you yourself are a whore lover dear brother." Vaelerys smirked as the man rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"I was bore of one I have an excuse. But he is a Prince and still disrespects ladies of high birth. I myself know my place, yet he seems to forget his. The man is no king, a second son of a prince who will never sit a throne."

Vaelerys knew there was no point in arguing with Aurane. He was as much a flirt as he could be an asshole, and he did not like to be challenged.

"Monford plans to marry Desmera Redwyne before the year is done. She is the cousin of false Queen Margaery, wife of the false King Renly. He conspired it with Tywin Lannister, the girl has a handsome dowery and is close to Margaery Tyrell. From the sounds of it once Renly Baratheon is dead i believe Tywin Lannister will try to marry off the Tyrell to one of his grandsons. Sansa Stark is still alive and betrothed despite her fathers treachery. So Tommen Baratheon it must be." She mused.

Aurane scuffed giving his sister the side eye.

"Do you truly believe that sadistic cunt to be true born? He killed every bastard in Kings Landing in fear. Only a guilty man would do such. And even so, look what they have done to our house, we would be dead if father hadn't reasoned with Robert that he also held Valyrian blood. "

"I never said I claimed him to be the true born son of Robert Baratheon. Anyone could see the child is the bastard of incest between the Kingslayer and Cersei Lannister. And I don't believe Ned Stark would die for a lie. The tide is in favor of Robb Stark, the so called King of The North. I think Sansa Stark will be dead before the summers done. Margaery Tyrell will become queen, the debts of the Lannisters grow with so many losses. Monford is marrying the Redwyne because of her dowery and the fact the Redwyne's have perhaps the largest fleet in Westeros. Monford is conspiring something and I do not like it."

Aurane thought about his brother. Monford was as cruel as their father had been. He cared not if he hurt Vaelerys in the way or himself. He desired glory and fortune over all.

Aurane did not know the reason for marrying Vaelerys to the Martells. Doran was a strict pacifist as he believed. The man had never once rebelled for the deaths of his family, something Aurane could not imagine. He only stayed silent and alone. Monford could not be marrying Vaelerys to their house for money as the Dornish did not loan. And he could not be marrying her for power either as Oberyn Martell had no right to command armies.

Aurane knew this had something to do with Lannister scheming, not just his brother.

"When I return after the wedding I will go to Kings Landing and meet with the Queen Regent after I pry a letter of request out of Monfords hands. I'll find out the reason for this one way or another. The Kingslayer is captured so I might have a chance to lie in bed with the most desired cunt in all of Westeros." Aurane licked his lips at the thought.

Vaelerys sneered her nose.

In Kings Landing, Cersei Lannister lead the small council meeting. Her brother Tyrion was deemed Hand by her father but she would allow him not to command her sons advisors.

"Is Vaelerys Velaryon wed yet? Has there been word on Myrcella's treatment in Dorne?" She asked.

Her brother only turned the pages in his book as Littlefinger and Varys looked to one another.

"The Velaryon girl was said to arrive in Dorne today. Princess Myrcella has been said to be quite taken with the Prince Trystane and is treated well your Grace." Littlefinger spoke with a smirk that put Cersei on edge.

"I still do not understand the point of marrying Vaelerys Velaryon to Oberyn Martell. My father has shared his reasoning with only one. I wrote the Lord of The Tides myself with threats and he still admitted to knowing nothing of my fathers plan with the Dornish. And I still do not understand yours Tyrion. Sending my daughter away like livestock." She seethed as she looked to the imp.

"I betrothed Myrcella to Trystane Martell to keep Dorne out of the war! If they will not aid us the least they can do is not get involved. And I am as clueless as you are as to why father commanded Monford Velaryon to marry off his sister. I talked to the man himself when I went to Driftmark to ask for aid in defending Kings Landing. All he knows is father promised high reward and he desires to restore his house to its former glory. Father appears to have a soft spot for him as you can tell."

"Will he defend the Blackwater when the time comes against Stannis?"  She worried.

"Monford can not command the ships, he is crippled in one of his legs from a childhood accident from climbing upon the ledges of the Driftmark mountain. His bastard brother, Aurane Waters, is the commander of his fleet. He is currently in Dorne with his sister for her wedding to Prince Oberyn. Our only hope in naval defense is if he returns before Stannis arrives with a fleet. And that's if he doesn't switch sides before then."  Tyrion sighed.

"Send a raven to Dorne for Aurane Waters. Tell him the moment his sisters name is uttered as Vaelerys Martell he shall set foot back on his ship and sail to Kings Landing. He will be greeted by me personally."

Cersei rose leaving the room thinking of Rhaegar Targaryen. He was the last time she had ever seen a Valyrian and she had been awestruck by his beauty. She was not only in need of seeing Aurane Waters in the Red Keep but desired to see a beautiful and handsome silver haired man.

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