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Loiya roamed the halls of Sunspear

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Loiya roamed the halls of Sunspear. Her sweet face confused as she looked the unfamiliar halls. She had not found Samira, she instead now found herself searching for Prince Doran.

She had concluded since she could not find Samira it was best she told Prince Doran of the events of last night and today. He was always sensible, she had heard from Vaelerys, and she knew she trusted him.

"You are a lady in waiting for Princess Vaelerys, no?" A Dornish voiced asked.

The large guard known as Aero asked. He frightened Loiya dreadfully. But her sense of duty let her put aside her fear of the strong man with a stern voice.

"Yes! I need to see Prince Doran immediately! It is to do with Princess Vaelerys!"

Aero hesitated before he allowed her to follow him.

Loiya entered the council chamber of Sunspear. She knelt on her knees, her head bowed. She had seen the Prince Doran was accompanied by some lords. She felt the matter was urgent and was frightful of demanding the Prince Doran's confidence.

"Prince Doran! Please forgive me for the intrusion! I- I am Princess Vaelerys lady in waiting from Driftmark! I have urgent news regarding your brother and good-sister! If you shall permit it.... I-... I ask we speak in private on the matters!"

Loiya smiled to herself. She had successfully communicated herself. She had never spoke with a Prince, especially one so high up and respect.

"Loiya of Driftmark, I am discussing some political matters at the moment. I see your urgency, give me a moment and I will assist you dear." He spoke regally as he turned back to the men he was talking with.

"Lord Varys, please forgive the intrusion of our servant. You see the union between my brother and Princess Vaelerys Velaryon has been a strained one. This is why I am hesitant about Aurane Waters being in favor of Queen Cersei."

Samira fluttered through the alleyways of the capital.   Her nostrils still flared, her fist clenched as she tightened the shaw around her hair.

She spotted the brothel. Her eyes were darkened with anger. She flipped through the red door, the smell of sex hitting her nostrils.

Men looked to her hungered. She was better dressed than the whores, to them she appeared a noble or a pricey girl.

She approached an office hidden behind curtains. A guard stuck his sword toward her. She lent to his ear, whispering a code she knew from her years working at the castle.

The guard told her of Prince Oberyns location. She climbed the stars of the brothel to the top floor. She entered the loud large room. Men and women laid upon the floors and loungers engaging in sinful acts.

Samira's frown grew as she saw Prince Oberyn pleasuring a young man. She seethed. It had been many years since she came after Oberyn, and she hated it just the same.

The group paid her no attention as she walked to the prince, with a loud hiss, she gripped Oberyn Martell by the ear, dragging him away from the sex room.

She flung the naked man to the ground in the silent hall. His lover remained in the orgy, leaving him alone with the Martell servant.

"Samira, it has been many years since you have seen me like this. Perhaps you could finish me off this time?" He cocked a wicked grin as he opened his legs, presenting his member better to her.

Samira spit at him.

"I am a devotee to your wife! Your bastard whore said things to her last night. Things that have made her cruel and unlike herself! Fix the wrongs you have done or i will give her your cock myself!"

Samira gripped Oberyn by the face. His smile only grew as did his nether region. It was many years ago he last dealt with the strong woman, Mellario stopped pestering him years ago.

"I have done no wrongs Samira. I told Ellaria to go to her and tell her the truth. So she did. Her reaction is not my fault, it is she who can not bare the truth." He pushed her hand away his demeanor growing serious in nature.

Oberyn stood to his feet, resting his hand upon his hips as he looked to her.

"I'm disappointed in you? How come you didn't know the Dayne's sins? Have you lost your touch dear Samira?" His eyes were heavy, his voice lowered.

Samira held her head high. She was a prideful woman and Oberyn Martell, in her years serving the Martells, had always loved to pick at her high horse. He was not surprised she came looking for him after Ellaria had told him how her time with his estranged wife went.

Samira threw him her saw to cover him, urging him to get dressed to leave the brothel.

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