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|trigger warnings|
incest, underage sexual activity, suicide

Vaelerys stood awkwardly in the center of Oberyns chamber. She played with her hands to avoid his eyes as she looked at anything but him. To the world they were man and wife, and they were expected to share a bed together.

Oberyn lent against the door, his head cocked back as he looked to the conservative woman before him dressed as a Dornish bride. She looked uncomfortable in her own skin, especially being so exposed. He dared not admit he liked the view of her untouched skin.

"I-I need to undress, where are the maids?" She asked.

Oberyn looked away from her as he spoke. Playing with his tongue in his cheek. His eyes had lingered too long upon her.

"I told them their services would not be needed tonight." His tone was serious, no longer flirty and mischievous. Vaelerys felt her stomach erupt with butterflies.

"I can not undo my garments by myself I need  them-" Vaelerys voice started to shake as she imagined what Oberyn had in mind. He had always voiced his distaste for her appearance, why was he now insistent they consummate the marriage?

"Believe me, I can help." He chuckled a bit as he thought back to his experience with undressing women.

"You will do no such thing!"

Vaelerys quickly strode over to the privacy shade, lifting the red dress over her head. She tried to remain as silent as possible so she could hear if Oberyn's feet moved in the room.

She removed the dress but her fingers fumbled with the laces to her corset. The knots were tight and her nails had been trimmed. She nearly jumped from her skin as she felt cold hands brush against her exposed shoulders.

Her breath hitched when his warm air hummed at her ear. She could smell him, his strong perfumes intoxicating her senses. His hands cupped her shoulders, caressing them as he whispered. His thumbs drew circles on her cold skin.

"Allow me."

She didn't move as he skillfully untied her corset, raising her arms for him to pull it over her head. She was only in her under-gown, a thin dress of white linen.

"Go." She said harshly, eyeing him carefully out of the side of her eye as he placed the garment on the top of the shade. Oberyn chuckled, throwing his hands up in surrender as he backed away.

When Vaelerys emerged from the shade in her silk nightdown her eyes grew to the size of saucers. Oberyn laid lazily in his bed the covers barely covering his manhood in his naked state. His eyes were softly shut.

Vaelerys did not like this. Oberyn was acting strangely. She knew he had no real desire towards her and she wondered what his intentions were. Oberyn eyed only the most beautiful of women, and she could not be put in that class.

"Why?" Was all she said. Her voice was tender and held a faintness of hurt. The Dornish man's honey amber eyes fluttered open.

He sat up, the thin blankets falling even dangerously lower. He watched her as she looked away from him. Her cheeks were rosey and her eyes indifferent. His silence encouraged her to speak again.

"Why? You have called me hideous and undesirable. You have Ellaria Sand and half the population of Westeros and Essos under your belt. Why do you tease me now when I have done nothing but try to stay out of your way. I looked for love in other men as you have found love in others. You should have just let Arstan kill me and rid us both of the undesirable union." She scuffed as she turned away from him looking at the balcony.

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