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Vaelerys had spent her days joyously for the most part during her tour of Dorne. Most houses had treated her lavishly gifting her Dornish dresses, cakes, foreign fruits, and jewels. She had never been treated so kindly.

She had loved her time in the Dornish rockies as their cultures felt more at home to her, more Andal in nature. Vaelerys loved the desert houses as well but she did not feel intouch with the Rhoynish ways like that in Sunspear.

In a few hours she would arrive on the western coast of Dorne to the small island which Starfall sat upon. She then would reunite with her estranged husband.

She had no company, though she did not mind being alone she actually quite preferred it. But as her nerves grew she wished Samira or Loiya were at her side. Oberyn and her had left each other with unfinished business, and she felt incredibly guilty for her own stupidity to which he had to protect her from.

Vaelerys made sure during her travels to not visit Hellholt, the seat of house Uller, the house Ellaria Sand had been bastardly born to. The Ullers lived in the heart of the Dornish desert and were not known to be kind and welcoming, especially to a woman who taken their bastard heirs attempt at being legitimized.

Many families had warned Vaelerys not to travel to Hellholt. The Ullers were not popular among the Dornish houses and many of the nobles had grown fond of the Velaryon princess. Ellaria Sand had returned home with her children, and Vaelerys noble friends did not want the ravens telling them the Princess had died of a snake bite in her bed. 

Vaelerys met her mothers side of the family, The Jordaynes of The Tor during her travels. They welcomed her kindly, despite her anticipating cold welcomes from the words of her father in the past.

The Jordaynes used to be the Kings and Queens of Dorne, the Martells had once even bent the knee to Vaelerys mothers side. Her cousin, Trebor Lord of The Tor, was a muscular and avid swordsman at fifty and one. He praised Vaelerys for her beauty and the honor she had brought to house Velaryon and house Jordayne. He made sure she had felt loved and appreciated during her time at The Tor.

Vaelerys tried to ignore the tugging of her heartstrings at her fatherly-aged cousin who had showed her so much kindness. He had begged her to stay longer to keep him and his daughter company.

Myria was Trebor's eldest daughter and heir. She was thirty and two and still unwed despite her status. Vaelerys preferred the company of her four younger male cousins over Myria.

Myria was a classic Rhoynish beauty. Sun stained bronze skin, high cheeks with thick long lips, and droopy sultry eyes which left Vaelerys uneasy. Myria had only spoken kindly to her cousin but Vaelerys couldn't help but feel their was deception behind her words.

Oberyn and Myria were well aquainted from what the second eldest son, Revion, had told Vaelerys. Myria for a time lived in Sunspear many years ago when she was ten and six to ten and nine. Revion had informed his cousin Myria and Oberyn were cut from the same cloth. Sexual, proud, and resilient.

Myria used to be friends with Ellaria Sand, but an unknown strife had come between the two women after Myria had left Sunspear.

Vaelerys couldn't help but believe Myria had shared a bed with her husband.

"Princess, we are coming to the bridge. Would you like to get on horseback to see the beauty of Starfall?" One of her guards knocked upon the carriage door as the horses stopped.

Vaelerys lifted her blood shaded dress, gifted to her by her cousin Trebor. She turned pink in the checks as the guard gazed at her body. The dress was cut deeply, the v line ending just above her belly button, her large chest exposed along with the pugginess around her stomach. The v-line diverged into sheer fabric which went all the way to just beside her most private area. Vaelerys was extremely self conscious in the garment but her cousin had asked her to wear the gown on her ten and eighth name-day and that day had arrived.

Her embarrassment only grew as the eyeing guard helped her upon the white stead. It's silver mane matching her own. Her breath was taken by Starfall. The castle's size rivaled that of Sunspears, and tho not decorated in gold, the celestial architecture made it extraordinary. The towers were tall and crowned with stone stars.

For a moment the thought of Ashara Dayne flew to her mind, the young maiden throwing herself from the highest tower which she looked at now. Then she was brought to Arstan's murders which took place here. An image of his father's mutilated body hanging from the gates which mimicked the houses sigil.

Quickly the beauty had been extinguished by the horrors Vaelerys had heard of from this place.

When she pranced through the gates on her horse she was greeted with the same welcome she had recieved from other houses. The entire yard of lower lords, ladies, butchers, shepherds, and servants knelt.

Her eyes landed on her husband, who stood in all his glory with a lilac tunic on. The color flattered his tan skin and dark features, Vaelerys thought so at least. He did not kneel for her as he was of equal status. She turned away from his intense eyes with flared cheeks. She felt terribly exposed.

A little boy in a dark purple cloak and turquoise tunic with slightly darker hair than her own knelt. When Vaelerys landed on the dried sand the boy quickly jumped to his feet, a nervous innocent smile on his face.

She watched as Oberyn nudged the boy, a smirk on his face as he looked dumb struck at the older man's wife. Vaelerys was incredibly unsettled by the twelve year olds lusty gaze.

"H-Happy name day Princess Vaelerys! Welcome to Starfall. I am Edric Dayne, lord of this keep." He stuttered a bit which reminded Vaelerys of herself when she first arrived at Sunspear.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Lord Dayne. I trust my husband has cared for you well and established you into succession." She walked forward and grabbed the boys hand, who stood the same height as her. His eyes were the same deep blue, almost the shade of purple, as Arstan's had been.

"Prince Oberyn has! He has been very kind to me. I must apologize for the unfortunate and unpleasant events which lead to my return from my wardship under Beric Dondarrion. I must repay you in some way for your troubles! Though- I cant fight really...but I can give you gifts and a brilliant name-day feast!"

The feast at Starfall was in full bloom. Night had fallen on the Western coast. Lyres, harps, and hand drums allowed for the court to dance about the grand hall.

For her birthday Vaelerys was allowed to sit the Starfall throne instead of Oberyn, who sat to her left sulking. The Prince of Dorne slouched in his seat as he sipped on his wine. His black hair was disheveled as he played with his hair in his hand. His lips were pouted as he stared at the doors of the great hall, mind absent.

Vaelerys noticed his strange demeanor, refusing to look or acknowledge her husband. Many men had come to her throne and asked for a dance. She declined them all as last time she had participated in such pleasantries she was met with blood and tears.

Vaelerys still desired to discuss what had happened at Sunspear. She let out a sorry sigh, causing the slouched Dornish man to break his stare to look at his wife.

He studied her thin manicured fingers as she grasped the golden goblet of wine. Her soft jawline turning into a hard one as she drank the substance.

"My wife sighs as though she is troubled." He mused causing Vaelerys to cough. It was the first time Oberyn had spoke to her since her arrival. His flirtatious tone was present as normal, though, he only used it with her when he was about to make fun of her.

"I am tired." She simply responded, not wanting to bring down his insults upon her. It was not entirely a lie as she had no energy to argue with Oberyn tonight. She had traveled a long time and feasts made her anxious.

"Let us retire then." He rose from his seat, extending his hand to the wide turquoise eyes of his wife.


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