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It had been nearly two months since Arstan Dayne was killed. Vaelerys had healed well, but two scars adorned her neck and back, tainting her once doll like skin.

Vaelerys had once again accepted Samira. The women discussed their differences and decided to no longer treat each other as they had. Loiya had left Sunspear with Vaelerys' permission to visit her husband back home at Driftmark.

A few days after the incident, in her healing bed, Vaelerys received a letter from Aurane. Monford had banished Aurane from Driftmark. The sailors of Driftmark were being forced to sail into war against Stannis Baratheon in the grotesquely damaged and old ships of the island. Aurane had spoken out against Monford, the men rallied behind the bastard even calling him the Lord of The Waters.

Aurane had traveled to Dragonstone and pledged himself to Stannis. Although a bastard, he now held the title Captain of The Orys, the second largest ship of Stannis Baratheons fleet. He wrote to his sister that naval war was looming against the Lannister's while Tywin battled the young Wolf King in the North.

Aurane had written Vaelerys to tell no one of the news. They planned to attack on the Blackwater in the next New Moon, where the night was at its darkest. She burned the letter after she processed all he had written her.

The political matters regarding the succession of Starfall had been dealt with. Edric Dayne had returned to his ancestral home leaving his wardship under Beric Dondarrion.

Oberyn had left the night he killed Arstan Dayne. For the first month of his absence he stayed at Helholt, the family seat of Ellaria's father Lord Uller with his paramour and youngest daughters. Vaelerys was relieved of his absence.

Doran had asked Oberyn to travel to Starfall when Lord Edric made his way down from the Riverlands. Ned was still only ten and two and Doran asked Oberyn to stay with him for a time to help him establish a trustworthy council of advisors.

Vaelerys had spent the time resting in Sunspear. She couldn't help but feel a tad useless. Prince Doran was busy dealing with political matters as the Lannisters continued to beg for Dornish aid against the North and Stannis Baratheon.

Vaelerys decided to spend time with Princess Myrcella. Vaelerys had found her company soothing, the princess was very naive and innocent despite her age and she enjoyed the freshness of it.

"My mother doesn't like many people. She especially can't stand your brother! She says he's insufferable in her letters!" Myrcella's innocent green eyes filled with pity as Vaelerys laughed.

Myrcella's grinned as Vaelerys snorted.

"I'm so sorry Myrcella i just can't imagine the Queen having to speak to my brother! Your mothers notorious for wounding mens pride and Monford would simply fall over dead if she took a stab at him." She smiled childishly with the young girl.

Doran watched from afar, a small smile on his lips at the sight of the two joyous girls. Many would have found it a strange sight, seeing a Dornish Prince smile at the sight of murderous Lannister spawn and a fallen Targaryen look alike. Two houses which doomed the life of his sister and her children.

Doran was is good spirits today, the gout has lessened and he was walking upon his feet rather painlessly.

The girls stopped giggling when the ruler of Doran approached them.

"Doran how are you? Walking I see!" Vaelerys looked down to his feet clad in silk slippers instead of light boots or sandals. The gout made it painful to wear anything else. She noted he wore the ones Princess Arianne sent, if she recalled correctly they were from Qarth, a present for his name-day.

"I feel wonderful good-sister! Princess Myrcella, without Trystane? A rare sight." The blonde girl blushed at the mention of betrothed.

"I'm glad you've taken up company in Princess Vaelerys. She is a good woman. If I remember correctly your name-day is in three weeks time? We will have to celebrate!"

Vaelerys eyes grew as she quickly shook her head.

"No, it is not necessary! I am not Dornish raised the Dornish people would not like us using their taxes to fund a feast. I can not allow it." She laughed awkwardly as she adverted her eyes from Doran.

Myrcella commented about how Vaelerys shouldn't concern herself with the opinions of peasants but she had tuned her out. Her mind had wandered back to her childhood. She had never had a name-day celebration, her father didn't allow such pleasantries. The most she received were some lemon cakes from her brothers and as she grew older jewelry Aurane had stolen for her from his trips to Pentos.

"I think Princess Vaelerys needs to take a trip if she detests celebrations so much! I never got to travel growing up. The first time i ever went anywhere was to the North to fetch Ned Stark who turned out a bloody traitor! I saw almost all the kingdoms when we went though which was very exciting! I know she has seen as little as I had, and she has been stuck in Sunspear for so long. Trystane and I travel so much! Let her make trip!" Myrcella became excited at her idea which had caught Vaelerys attention.

A light sparked in Doran's mind.

"How about you take a three weeks trip across Dorne? Visit all the major houses of this land. Acquaint yourself with the family's and cultures of us Rhoynar! You can end your journey at Starfall which boarders The Reach on the sea. You can bring Oberyn home with you."

Vaelerys immediately detested the idea of sharing company with her husband on their way home, but she did desire to travel Dorne. Dorne is a beautiful and versatile country and her reputation had been tainted by the events of her wedding. This could be her chance to reintroduce herself as a Princess of Dorne.

Two days later, Vaelerys began her solo trip across Dorne. It would be only her and ten guards as she ventured across the southern desert and northern rockies, that is until she arrives at the western edge of Dorne, Starfall, to reunite with Oberyn Martell.

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