Vaelerys played with the beads upon her gown as they approached the Watergardens. Oberyn rode outside the carriage greeting the people of Sunspear. She listened to the cheers of his return. They called to him like a knight returning from a victorious battle.
The carriage stopped when the cheering had died down. Vaelerys jumped at a girlish squeal from outside.
"UNCLE!" The Essosi accent gleamed. Vaelerys felt her blood run cold. It was Arianne, Doran's daughter. She had returned from visiting her mother. She was notoriously like Oberyn and a very powerful woman. She was twenty and three. There were also rumors her affections for her uncle reflected that of the Targaryen ancestry in their blood.
Vaelerys' hand shook as the carriage was opened by a guard. She stepped into the beaming sun, her sensitive light colored eyes squinting. When her eyes adjusted she took in the image before her. Doran sat in his chair, in mourning colors. Myrcella and Trystane's matched the dark shade. Oberyn smiled as he let go of his niece who was enchanting. She too was in the unfortunate color. Something dreadful had happened while they were away.
Trystane and Doran's faces mourned the most. Myrcella looked more worried with the mental state of her lover than over whomever had passed.
"Oberyn, I believe now is not the time. Someone has been lost." The proper lady spoke softly as she looked to the tear stained cheeks of Doran. He looked to his good-sister and a sob escaped his lips.
Vaelerys grabbed the skirt of her dress and ran to Doran. She embraced his sitting figure, bringing his teary face to her chest just above her heart. His old hands wrapped around her torso, grabbing onto her hair to cope.
Arianne let her hand slide from her uncles shoulders as her eyes went heavy. Oberyn became wildly concerned. Doran did not cry. Not even when Elia had been murdered.
"It's... Quentyn..." Trystane began his voice hoarse. "He's dead." Vaelerys let out a soft sigh of pity for Doran. He had lost a child, his middle child, to whom he hadn't seen since he was fourteen.
Oberyn, Arianne, and Vaelerys stood together at the side of one of the fountains. Doran had been brought to his room after another sobbing fit which had worsened his gout pains. Myrcella and Trystane found comfort in themselves.
"Why was he in Meereen? There was no reason for him to be there?" Oberyn yelled frustrated at his niece as she stood before the husband and wife sitting upon the edge of the fountain.
"Father sent him there... to meet Daenerys Targaryen. She's emancipated all of the old slaver cities. Essos is in uproar. She is now the Great Queen of Meereen." She whispered the end.
Vaelerys eyes picked up. Daenerys Targaryen was her distant cousin and the last living Targaryen. From what she had gathered the Martells wanted nothing to do with the Targaryens after Prince Rhaegar brought shame to Princess Elia and brought upon her murder caused by their union.
"What the fuck does he want with Targaryens!?" He spoke the end with venom as he made sure no ears could hear him speak.
"Father had intended to marry Quentyn to Queen Daenerys. She declined as she was engaged to another to strengthen her hold in Meereen. She has a hoard of Dothraki at her side and 8,000 emancipated Unsullied devoutly loyal at that. Not to mention the three juvenile dragons she calls her children. I believe my father intended to sit her upon the Iron Throne. Restore the Targaryen reign with a Dornish prince by her side. As uncle Rhaegar and aunt Elia were intended." Arianne looked to Vaelerys a look in her eyes as she stared at her Velaryon features. The last time she had seen a Valyrian was when she was six, the year Roberts Rebellion began, when uncle Rhaegar had asked her to visit her cousins in Kings Landing.
Vaelerys heart quickened at her nieces words. Dragons back? A Targaryen rule? The thought brought upon mixed feelings. She found it hard to believe the rumors of the dragons returning, better yet a Targaryen restoration.
Vaelerys was not keen on the Lannister and Baratheon rule. Myrcella had told her of her brother, the King, and his cruelty. Her father had not been any better, submerging the crown in debt and refusing to act as a leader. The Baratheon's were not made to rule. They were a bastard house, Vaelerys ancestor, Aegon the Conqueror, had a bastard brother, Orys, who was the first Baratheon. The actions of the Baratheons had always been that of a second born son.
Vaelerys cousin, King Aerys, had been cruel and insane, plagued by what the family called Dragon Dreams. But from Ariannes word Daenerys Targaryen, his daughter, was emancipating the continent from slavery. A noble cause.
Even if the dragons were only rumors, Vaelerys thought her a sight to behold.
"How did he die Princess?" Vaelerys asked quickly as she looked to Oberyn's strained features.
"He became desperate after the Queens decline. He attempted to claim her dragon Viserion in the pit of the Meereen Pyramid. The other one housed there set him ablaze as he tried to climb his brother. He didn't die at first. Queen Daenerys brought in the best of medicinal studiers to try and save him. She even kept him in her own chambers so he would be in the best of comfort but he died of his wounds. She sent his body to my mother with a long letter filled with condolences in her own hand. Another was sent to father."
Oberyn kept his eyes down as Vaelerys let her hand slide onto his thigh. She grimaced as he flenched away from her touch.
"Martells have no business with Targaryens. They only bring death." His voice was hard as he refused to look at his wife and niece. Vaelerys looked to Arianne but was met with a hard stare.
"I agree uncle, they are cursed. Queen Daenerys is kind but she will die. They all do and we will not be brought down with them."
Vaelerys slumped as she felt herself being roped into the Targaryen category as Arianne eyed her. They had yet to have a formal introduction, the mourning of Prince Quentyn not allowing for false pleasantries.
She felt the need to prove herself.
"Fire and Blood are the words of House Targaryen. Darkness follows those destined for greatness my father once said. The other houses words refer to their trade, the climate of their region, morals, or the sigil of their house. The Targaryens are different. Their words are a promise. They bring Fire and Blood to their enemies. Do we wish to be one when she arrives on the backs of her dragons? Or do we wish to be by her side when she brings Fire and Blood upon house Lannister. For Elia and her children."
Vaelerys mused as she contemplated Doran's intentions.
Arianne and Oberyn stared at her interpreting her wise words.
"I have wondered for quite some time now why Doran married me to you Oberyn. I have nothing to offer, that is what I once thought. But I am Daenerys Targaryens last relative. I am distantly her kin and with blood comes trust and alliance. He married me to you so that Daenerys Targaryen would trust the Dornish."
seadragon | oberyn martell
Fanfiction"You man are a whore, you shall never touch my body." "We will see." House Velaryon survived the murder of Targaryen blood lines during Roberts Rebellion. The Velaryon name had long lost its luster with little to no wealth left to it. Monford Velary...