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Morning had come and Vaelerys ate alone with Prince Doran. Trystane was out with his sworn sword training and the Princess Myrcella was taking her Septa lessons, so the gardens were quiet.

Vaelerys was cold towards Doran which he noted of.

"You speak very little good-sister. Are you well?" He placed his fork and knife down as she refused to look up from her food.

Vaelerys debated on telling Doran what Oberyn had told her. His words had hurt her and Doran's even more.

"Oberyn spoke with me yesterday. He informed me of how I have shamed you and must bed him to compensate for my crimes."

Doran let go of a long sigh with an annoyed and frustrated expression. Vaelerys watched intently.

"He came to me yesterday asking about you after his week long stay at the brothel with Ellaria. I told him the truth, you were depressed and felt the same embarrassment that I had. I asked him to make an effort in establishing some sort of relationship with you. I meant no harm." He reassured her.

Vaelerys believed Doran. His words struck her as truthful and Oberyn had twisted them for his own amusement. He wanted to destroy her relationship with his brother, she assumed it was most likely was jealousy. But the source of it left her puzzled.

Doran and Oberyn appeared to get along fine. Doran respected his brothers life style and Oberyn his (although they both had their reservations). The only quarrel she had heard of was when it came to the vengeance for their sister.

Doran has remained actionless to the eyes of the world while his brother wanted nothing more than to brutally destroy the murderers and rapist. Oberyn had obeyed his brother over the years despite this disagreement.

"He told me we had shamed him and the only way we could amend our shame to you was to bed. Is this some cruel jest?" Her nose snarled in disgust.

Doran shook his head in amusement at the ridiculousness of his brother.

"I said no such thing. Perhaps Oberyn desires you and that was his way of attempting to get you in his bed. Gods know you wouldn't do it without obligations."

She turned red again, like she always did when sex was brought up. She looked away.

Oberyn would never desire her. He had made his feelings about her body and looks very clear yesterday evening. If he had desired her he wouldn't have shamed her to the point of tears.

"No. You are very wrong Doran. He communicated explicitly and cruelly his opinions on my body which left me almost to the point of tears. He did it because he wanted to embarrass me. To make a cruel joke of me to the entirety of Dorne."

After inquiring further on the words his brother said, Doran apologized profusely to Vaelerys. The shame that built in him was astronomic.

After his sister left, he asked his guards to find Oberyn and bring him to to the balcony. Doran asked for some Dornish Red, a rarity for the gout stricken prince.

"Yes brother, I was quite busy-" Oberyn said as he bent down to kiss his brother on the cheek but was quickly slapped by Doran's cunt.

"YOU VINDICTIVE CUNT!" He yelled at his brother as he recovered from the hard impact to his face.


Oberyn hadn't seen his brother so furious since Mellario had left. His face was a burning red, his hair astray, and his teeth snarled. He was a passive man but not now.

"I was only testing to see if I could weasel my way into her bed. Despite her hideousness I was hoping to experience a Valyrian at least once in my life time. But she is as stubborn as I had been told. I guess I will have to wait till the Queen of Mereen arrives in a few years." He laughed as though his brothers feelings meant nothing.

"You turned her against me! Wether you intended or not! I am your wife's only confidant in her depression here in Dorne. Do you have no sympathy? Do you wish for her to hurl herself out a window as Lady Ashara had? The woman is beautiful, your own blindness is your weakness brother! The men at court lust after her, I had men come to me after the wedding asking to take her hand instead." Doran seethed as Oberyn appeared annoyed.

"I'm sure Arstan Dayne was one of them. Fucking kinslayer. If you find her so pleasant and need her family so direly why didn't you marry her your fucking self instead of forcing me? And it's not like i've been cruel to the little bitch. I told her she could take as many men as she wanted and could father bastards, I care none. She is like every other lady of the west, too high up her own ass. She wants to live a life of purity. Sex is a duty only committed to bring children to her and it's supposed to be my job to make her happy but lying and telling her I only have eyes for her. I do not live that life and I never will."

Oberyn stared out into the gardens are they remained in silence. Doran need his brother to change his lifestyle, he could not see it yet but it was destroying him.

"I once was like you brother. I married a woman only for lust. You have been with Ellaria for twenty three years. But never once have you asked me to permit you to marry her and denounce your title. I believe deep down you know you are incapable of loving her forever. Once your youth dies and you can no longer sin like you do with her, you will long for company like I. Long for a woman to laugh at you as you jest, take care of you in your illness, and love you tenderly and truthfully. Mellario and I never had that, as you will never have with Ellaria. She hides her true colors yet they sit right before your eyes. She is nothing like you and nothing good for you. She is vindictive and unapologetically cruel. She hurts others who are only victims of circumstance and laughs at those who suffer. She has told me on more than one occasion to kill Myrcella Baratheon, a kind little girl who can not control who parented her. Myrcella has confessed to me she never felt happiness till she came to Dorne. Ellaria is jealous and hateful to all who aren't you or her. I simply accept her because she has give me four of my beautiful nieces."

Doran rose to his feet, anothe rare sight for Oberyn. He sulked as he thought on his brothers words, unable to respond.

"I didnt marry Vaelerys Velaryon just because my wife lives, but because I love you and wish you to not be doomed to the same fate I have been. But I regret my actions now, because now only you have brought her unrelenting suffering."

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