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~ Isabelle ~

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~ Isabelle ~

I feel my heart skip a beat, my body completely frozen in shock as the shadows of Peter, Emma, Evan, and Jacob surround my crouched body.

My body shakes in fear as I move myself up against the brick wall as much as I could, shaking my head no.

Evan kneels down, his hand aggressively grabbing my jaw, forcing my eyes to look into his own.

" You shouldn't have done that." He says lowly, inspecting my face.

For some reason, I have a sliver of hope that he'd let me go this once, but it's all gone when he moves his fist straight towards my face, landing on my lip.

I scream in pain, my hand trembling as I touch my now bloody mouth. The taste of my own blood was only engraved into my head by now after the years of pain Evan inflicted on me.

" You're lucky I'm in the mood for something else today." He snickers, and I continuously shake my head no when he starts taking off his belt.

" N..no..no..please..stop." I stutter out, my voice too shaky to even form the right words.

It felt like my brain had just frozen, I couldn't speak, I could barely move, I felt hopeless. My own body was failing on me, the one part of me that I depended on most felt like it just stopped.

I look at them for help, any of them, they couldn't let this happen.

Suddenly, Evans hands freeze as his gaze lingers down towards the golden card next to Jacobs foot, his eyes squinting at the card as he thinks for a moment before slowly kneeling down.

I swallow the lump in my throat, feeling like my body just came back to life as he picks up my golden card, the one thing that could lead me to freedom from Andrew and Evan.

" Agosti estate?" He mumbles to himself, looking at me with a questioning look.

" How the fuck did you get this, you can't do shit." He spits, grabbing me by my collar.

I try to catch my breath at the sudden force, trying to utter out something, anything before he hit me again.

" I..I don't know I was looking for jobs and j..just came across it." I lie through my teeth. I didn't want them to find the old man, he'd been so nice to me, it was only the right thing to do.

Evan pushes me back onto the concrete floor, my back scraping the brick wall behind me as I heave out a breath at the contact. I could already feel the bruises and cuts digging deep into my skin.

He looks over the card once more before moving eye level towards me, a sick look in his eyes as he waves the golden card in front of my face with two fingers.

" I'm going to say this once and only once." He starts, moving the card to graze against my cheek.

I nod my head immediately, trying to control my shaky hands as I try looking anywhere but him.

Evan suddenly moves the corner of the golden card swiftly on my soft skin, drips of blood falling down my face at the stinging cut he'd just formed.

" As soon as you get your big paycheck from those rich motherfuckers, you're going to come to this exact spot and give me the money." He snickers. Jacob, Peter, and Emma smile in approval at his words.

" I...I can't my mothers d..dealer will kill m..me if I d..on't pay him first." I hiccup from all the crying, my tears falling in thick droplets.

He rolls his eyes in annoyance before throwing the card on me.

" Then you give me half." He sneers. His hand grabs my hair, pulling me up to meet his eyes.

" And if you don't, I'll make sure that sweet little heart of yours stops beating before you can take another step on this earth." Evan threatens, loosening his tight grip on my hair.

I fall back with a cry as their figures disappear out of the now dark alleyway, their laughs echoing into my ears.

My hands move up to my face shakily, my fingers angrily wiping away the tears from my eyes.

How could I be so stupid, how could I let them find out.

The tears I had wiped away only get replaced with fresh ones that come down uncontrollably. I struggle to stand up, my legs failing on me as I fall back, my hands landing on the concrete to stop my fall.

I'm not sure how long I had been crying pathetically in silence, but it felt like forever.

My tears suddenly stop when I hear voices in the alleyway and I freeze in my spot at the conversation I probably wasn't supposed to be hearing.

I couldn't hear their voices clearly, but it had to be some sketchy drug deal. I slowly push myself forward, dragging myself away from whatever was going on.

" Do you think I'm fucking playing with you?" A deep voice threatens. I could hear another voice, but it only sounded like mumbles until multiple punches and screams could be heard not too far from me.

My body goes into panic mode as I almost make it out until police sirens could be heard. My body gets pushed forward, a scream leaving my mouth as something crashes into me from behind, and I'm suddenly underneath some man who had somehow fallen with me.

I couldn't make out his features, only the big cut on his cheek, his dark hair, and the smell of expensive cologne

The man looks down at my beaten up face weirdly before looking behind him to see if anyone was near.

" What the fuck did you see?" He growls while turning his head back towards me, grabbing me by my collar from the odd position we were in.

" I..I.." That's all that comes out of my mouth when my eyes land on the gun in his right hand.

Lucky for me the police sirens only grow closer. The man mumbles curses under his breath before aggressively letting go of me, quickly getting off of my body.

My legs instantly move me towards the wall when the police car speeds down the alleyway, it's lights bouncing off of the dark walls and the sirens blasting into my ears. The man had already gotten onto a motorcycle and sped away before they had arrived close enough.

Was he some sort of criminal? In a gang?

I feel goosebumps rise on my skin at the thought of that. I already had enough evil people to deal with.

It was late, and I'd had enough near death experiences today, so I quickly walk to the bus, feelings chills on my skin from the cool air as I hold the golden card tightly in my hand.

Tomorrow I'd go to the Agosti Estate for the job.

I just wanted to get rid of all of my pain, I just wanted to stop my suffering and get Evan and Andrew off my radar, forever.

I'd pay off the debt, pay Evan the half of my check, and when my debt is all paid off I'd run away, far away from the hell I was raised in and away from everyone who ever hurt me.

* * *

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