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~ Isabelle ~

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~ Isabelle ~

" What are you two doing in here?"

At that moment it felt like the tension in the room had gotten ten times thicker, and my close proximity to Caden probably wasn't helping the situation.

Never would I have thought I'd ever be this close to someone so terrible, yet here I was nearly on his lap.

I move my focus to Ace who had been standing next to the doorframe, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked between Caden and I's awkward position.

It's silent after Ace asks the question. I was hoping Caden would answer but he didn't seem like he'd say anything with the way his eyes were burning into the side of my head.

" N..nothing I just fell" I say, cutting through the silence as I frantically get off of Caden's lap. I feel Caden's dark gaze on me as I move back to my seat, trying my best to calm down my nerves and get rid of the red tint plastered all over my cheeks.

" It's almost one in the morning why are you in here with him anyways?" Ace continues to question as he walks further into the library. This time I notice the slight eye roll from Caden who had been leaned back in his chair now.

I glance at Caden, hoping he'd say something, anything to make this situation less awkward then it already was.

My gaze moves back to Ace when I give up on Caden, trying to think of a way to clear things up.

" W..well we got assigned a project together, w..we're just working on it that's all." I say, biting my lip nervously at my answer.

I wondered why Ace cared so much, maybe he wanted to use the library and we were taking his space?

" Your teacher assigned you with the stupidest one in class." Ace mutters under his breath, his jaw clenched. I swallow the lump in my throat at the growing tension in the room, wanting to just run away.

" Don't be jealous I'm not interested in your scraps." Caden scoffs suddenly, his cold eyes burning into Ace who's face all of a sudden turns flustered.

Scraps? What was that supposed to mean?

Ace looks at me nervously before glaring at Caden. " I wasn't talking to you." He scowls, and I look down as I start playing with my fingers nervously.

They wouldn't fight or anything would they?

" Isabelle," Ace says all of a sudden, and I look up into his blue eyes that seemed slightly darker today, almost missing how his face looked, his voice.

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