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~ Isabelle ~

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~ Isabelle ~

It's only when Charlotte pulls outside of the huge mansion that I start to feel nervous about going to the party. I'd never been to one, and the tiny black dress she'd given me wasn't really helping my nerves.

Sure, I felt pretty. I just don't think I suited any of it.

" You good? We can go back if you want." Charlotte asks, genuine worry in her face as she turns to me. I chew my lip before firmly shaking my head no.

" No, I want to go." I say, looking towards Charlotte with determination. I needed to get out of my comfort zone, all my life I only felt trapped.

" Okay, but if you need anything you come to me right away. Don't take drinks from strangers, and if anyone tries touching you tell me and I'll sock them in the face." Charlotte lists out as we walk in the cool night towards the loud house.

" Yes ma'am." I joke in a stern voice and we both laugh while nearly shivering to death.

The place was packed outside with teens, and nearly everywhere we walked there had been empty alcohol bottles sprawled on the lawn.

I pull the short dress down a little as we walk into the house only lit up with led lights. The music was louder now, and I look towards Charlotte who was already checking to make sure if I was good.

When she sees I'm fine she grabs my arm with a smile, taking us towards the kitchen. I try to ignore the hard stares from the drunk guys around us, looking my body up and down.

They wouldn't touch me would they?

" Let's take a shot!" Charlotte yells over the music, holding a glass with clear liquid out to me. I look down at the drink before slowly taking it.

The only time I had alcohol was when the men my mother brought home would force it down my throat. It wasn't the best experience, but this was different.

I was doing it all on my own this time. With my own permission.

I take the shot, and before I know it the liquid is stinging my throat and the glass is empty.

" I'm getting fucked up tonight!" Charlotte yells over the loud music as she pours another glass for us both. The place felt like it had gotten more packed since we were now forced to stand closer to each other.

Just like that I downed another shot, and another, and another...

I'm not sure where Charlotte was anymore. I think I lost her when some guy came up and started making out with her.

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