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~ Isabelle ~

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~ Isabelle ~

I make it to the door handle, slightly opening it until Caden's hand slams the door closed. His arm traps me in my spot as I stand there, my breaths heavy. I look up at him, barely even able to make out his face from the dark.

Even in the dark I could tell how angry he looked

" I'm giving you five seconds to tell me who the fuck did this to you." Caden orders, his mouth next to my ear. His deep voice sounded murderous as he moves his eyes down my face.

I don't think I've ever seen Caden look this mad

I tried to put together something to say, anything, but I could feel my body crashing.

I could feel every emotion, every word, every touch from Andrew coming back to me in floods and I tried to hold it in, I really did try.

But that feeling came back again

That same feeling in my throat, the one where someone says a single word, a single sentence, and all of a sudden the dam I've built trying to control my tears suddenly crashes.

Everything, it just drowned me all at once.

That's what it felt like, and I could feel as the lump in my throat began to slowly stop hurting from holding back tears as I sobbed, as everything flooded out.

I felt my tears drown my face and I hated it. I hated that he was seeing me at my weakest. I hated that the people I wanted out of my life so badly always had to come back into it.

I cover my face, trying to wipe the storm that was releasing from my eyes.

It didn't help that his grey eyes had been looking at me, over every inch of my face. They weren't angry this time though, or murderous.

For a moment it looked like he was worried, like he actually cared.

I'm about to tell Caden to just leave until his hand moves behind my head, tangling into my hair as he pulls me into his chest.

My sobs could probably be heard throughout the empty halls as I cry into his chest, feeling safe in his arms.

I don't think I kept track of how long we sat in that hallway, how long I was crying for.

All I know is that the next morning I wasn't in my own bed and I had been dressed in a black t-shirt too big to be my own.

On top of that all of my injuries had been tended to and I had no blood dripping anywhere compared to last night.

I look around the room, coming to a realization that it had been Caden's.

Did he change me? Does that mean he...

I gasp when the sound of a door opening suddenly reaches my ears. I pull the covers over me as Caden walks into the room, his hands bloody and his hair messy.

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