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~ Isabelle ~

I could barely clean the tables.

The air was thick with the smell of weed, alcohol, and sweat. My dress was nearly showing my ass, and my cleavage was clearly on display with the low cut fabric.

The eyes of the old men sat across couches with woman serving them drinks weren't helping my situation either as I pulled down the short dress every other second.

Randy promised me my money once I finished the shift, which would take until four in the morning. I'd already gotten some tips, all I'd done was clean tables though.

The music was loud, I could feel it drumming through my chest, yet I couldn't make out the words, I couldn't focus much on anything other then the racing of my heart.

I was terrified. Terrified of the nasty looks I got, terrified of Randy, and terrified of the old man who had been eyeing me like I was his next meal.

I look at the clock, trying to hold back my tears when I notice I still had three hours. The place was packed, and there were people either drinking or dancing to the music half naked.

I clearly looked underage, why were these men looking at me like that? Don't they have children?

I feel my entire body freeze when a rough hand suddenly rubs up and down my arm before a large figure that smelled of alcohol stands beside me.

I turn my head, my grip on the cleaning towel in my hand tightening when I meet eyes with a wrinkled man who wore a nasty smirk on his face as he looked my body up and down.

I try moving away but he grabs my wrist, moving my hand to his wet lips as he places a slobbery kiss on my hand.

" Beautiful aren't you? Why don't you come to my private room, I'll pay extra for tonight." He slurs out, and I watch in horror as I try pulling my hand away from him.

" L...let go of me!" I whimper, but I could barely pull hard enough. My body was so used to freezing, so used to being forced to take anything, everything.

" Don't be so hard, we're going to have a fun time sweetheart." He whispers near my ear as he pushes his body up against mine. I feel hot tears run down my face when he pushes me onto the open couch in an instant.

I cover my chest from his view, my head shaking no as I watch the old man start to hover over me. There were people around, everywhere.

No one was helping me, this man didn't care that people were seeing this. Evan only touched me like that in private, it didn't make it any better though.

No one ever listened when I said no

" P...please d...don't." I cry, my eyes shut as he pins my hands against the couch and kisses down my neck and chest. I try thrashing around, my cries louder but the man only groans before his eyes glare up at me and a slap is sent straight to my face, causing my head to be pushed to the side.

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