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~ Isabelle ~

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~ Isabelle ~

" W...what? I..nothing." I stumble out, trying to avoid eye contact so he wouldn't notice my lie. Although it was bad enough I'm sure he could already tell.

He looks up behind me, his eyes on Caden and his mother. As soon as he saw Caden his jaw clenched, his gaze burning with anger as he looked at his brother.

" Do you want to go on a walk with me?" Ace suddenly asks me, still looking at his brother. I look up, shocked at the sudden words that left his mouth.

" W..walk now?" I stutter out, looking up at him confused. It was nearly one in the morning.

" Yes, now. If not you can continue stalking my family." Ace says jokingly as he shrugs, turning around as he walks down a hall.

" W...why would I want to do that." I say nervously, rushing up to Ace as I start walking beside his tall figure.

He looks down at me, a small laugh leaving his mouth. I only look up at him confused on what was so funny.

" I'm surprised you didn't ignore me again, Isabelle." He says, opening the back door. The cool air kisses my skin as we walk outside revealing the large garden in the backyard.

" I..I just don't want to get fired for talking to you. Mrs. Carmen told me they usually don't hire girls my age because of scandals and I...I was scared she'd misunderstand." I say quietly. My eyes couldn't stay in one spot as they moved all around the garden, trying to take in the entire view.

I took in the sounds of the crickets chirping, the wind blowing in the trees, the smell of the fresh air around me.

It felt like all my problems had just gone away, I felt calm.

" Seems like Caden got a reputation with the workers here too." Ace laughs. It wasn't a regular, happy laugh, it was a laugh that sounded annoyed.

" Oh...him." I only say. I hadn't been surprised that it was all Caden's doing that they had to be careful with hiring young ladies.

At least I knew I wouldn't be his next target, maybe not in the best way since he wanted to kill me, literally.

I wanted to ask Ace why he'd always looked so mad at his brother, what happened between them, but I figured that was too personal of a question to ask, especially as just a maid.

" In the cafeteria, when you spilled your food on Caden, he didn't say anything to you right?" Ace asks me as we continue walking down the path cutting through the garden.

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