54 ~ The Color Yellow

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~ Isabelle ~

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~ Isabelle ~

My body was used to getting up early, so naturally, I woke up the next morning in Caden's bed before he did. The sun hadn't been up yet, and the room was quiet as I slowly got myself out of Caden's arms.

I take in the softness of his face, so calm compared to his stern and cold look I was so used to seeing on him.

I didn't want to leave, wanting to stay in his arms all morning, but I still had a job after all. Mrs. Carmen has allowed me too many days off for me to just not show up again.

I'm not sure the exact time, but it was only half past eight in the morning when I was on the top floor, cleaning all of the windows. I was wiping the glass, before my eyes set on the sight of Caden and Mr. Agosti walking out of the estate, their walk nearly identical.

I furrow my eyebrows together as I watch them go towards a black sports car, my eyes immediately going to his wrist. A smile spots my face at the yellow bracelet before it completely fades away as he moves slightly, giving me a short glance of a gun holstered around his pants.

Caden's head turning to the side slightly gives me a glance of his cold look as he got into the car saying something, his dad in the drivers side as two other black cars follow behind them.

I swallow the lump in my throat before quickly turning around, holding the rag close to my chest as I try taking in what I'd just seen.

" I didn't see anything." I whisper to myself as I continue cleaning the windows quicker, the fear eating away at my head telling a completely different story.

I pick up my bucket with a sigh when I finish, pushing my hair away with my elbow as I walk down the hallway.

When I turn the corner I nearly drop the bucket almost running into Ace. My eyes widen as I look towards him, freezing as he looks at me with a clenched jaw.

" Ace-" I start, but he ignores me, walking straight past me. I turn back towards him, my heart sinking as he walks away.

" Ace! Can I at least explain?" I ask, walking towards his direction.

" Why didn't you just tell me?" He suddenly says while turning back towards me, confusion and pain laced in his eyes. My nerves start to rise as I tighten my hand around the bucket handle, taking a step closer to him so we weren't 8 feet apart.

" I didn't know....anything, I was just confused with my own feelings. It was hard, both of you were confusing me I...I couldn't tell what was real and what was friendly...or how I felt towards you but-"

" But now you know." He says, looking at me with his jaw tense.

" How long have you known? That I was just your side piece?" He says, and I watch him with furrowed eyebrows as I shake my head.

" Did you at least enjoy messing with m-?"

"I never intended to mess with you. I know what happened was wrong, I know, okay? So I'm sorry I couldn't figure out my feelings earlier, I'm sorry I never understood what any of those...feelings meant the same as other people can do so easily apparently." I blurt out, stepping closer to him.

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