Chapter 2 Harry

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If you wanted more and didnt get bored on chapter one thank you.

Again as previous chapter this is just a catchup to see where Harry is at.


Chapter Text

"Well thank fuck that's over with"

I turn to Sarah who loops her arm in mine as we walk out of the offices Into the streets of London.

" I thought it would never be sorted. The way they kept coming back and forth with the bullshit, but least you can finally put there shit behind you now H"

We had just had a heavy two days of meetings with management and my lawyer trying to find a way out of their clutches. Jeff, his dad and Olivia were all there, sprouting their shit that what they did was totally ok and above board. I don't give a shit what they say though, at the end of the day they had no right to keep such things hidden from me about Evan and Louis.

In regards to Olivia and Jeff I think I can finally say I won't be on their Christmas card lists anytime soon. When they finally admitted defeat that they were not going to win on this aspect I could see in in there faces. They were so angry and they totally blamed me for there downfall and the fact they were no longer going to be able to line there pockets with my earnings for much longer. It didn't come at no cost though, due to the fact that the Album is almost ready for release it was decided that they would still be entitled to any royalties and earnings from that album which is a bit of a kick in the teeth especially since it all my hard work. If in the end that is what it takes to get them away from me then I will take it.

"I just need to find a new team now. I think I know just the person though so I will get on that as soon as I can"

"We trust whatever you say H, you know that. Me and that band have always got your back. Now how about we grab some food before you head back home?"

I agree with Sarah as we make our way to find somewhere to eat the thought of home buzzing through my veins.

I can't wait to get home. I have been down here for 2 weeks. It's been a long process, first meeting with the lawyer and going through my contract with a fine tooth comb, then trying to get a meeting with so called management, who were certainly delaying things as they would not rush in making an appointment time very quickly. Sarah has been a god send supporting me in all of this and we have spent the last 2 weeks together. Sarah is a great friend and if anything good was to come out of this it's that I made friends for life with the band.

I told Louis I would be back tomorrow but seems as things have finally been sorted here there is no need to wait. I need to get home to him and Evan. I have missed them so much. God help me when I have to get back to my job and go on tour for longer. I really don't know how I will handle that. It's going to be so difficult. We have planned a tour to start the last week of May so at least its school half term and Lou and Evan can accompany me for the first few weeks.

The new album is ready to go apart from one last adjustment. I really want Evan on the album so I'm hoping to get that sorted this week when I'm home. The garage at home which I converted into a studio is all up and running so we can do it from there. I can't wait to take Evan into the booth and have him sing with me. It's going to be such a special moment.

I feel a huge weight has been lifted at the moment. I feel content and happy. Things finally seem to be working out for me. I have a wonderful fiance, wow I love that word and a beautiful son.

I am so excited. We have pulled up at the registry office and today is the day I get to officially be named as Evans dad. Louis Christmas gift to me was so touching and I want nothing more than to see both our names printed in ink and filed officially. My knee keeps bouncing up and down in anticipation.

Always Forever (me and you until the end) Part 2 Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now