Chapter 22 Louis

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TW talk of grief
Just a little filler fluffy chapter. Hope not too boring.

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I'd like to say the death of Des didn't affect Harry, but who am I kidding. Of course it did. Harry had to fly out the day after the funeral, barely having any time to grieve due to his busy work schedule. I knew he was still struggling and I asked him to take more time off but after having to postpone some of the shows already when Des died and having to fit them back in at the end of the tour he really didn't want to do it again and extend the tour more than necessary.

We sat Evan down and explained what had happened. He had never met Des, so it didn't seem to affect him much, but he sure made sure Harry was ok. Giving him extra cuddles and being glued to his side whilst he was here.

Every time I speak to Harry he seems to be in a different mood. Sometimes he is ok, happy that he and his dad talked before he died. At other times though he is sad and cries down the phone to me. It's heart-breaking to hear and I hate that I am not able to be there with him to comfort him. He says he feels guilty that he just shut Des out and he never gave him another chance like he gave his mom or let him meet his only grandson. Anger is something else he feels on occasions. He gets annoyed at himself and Des. Says his dad should have done more. This is the mood that usually leads to Harry breaking down in tears as he says he is confused. Says he becomes angry at himself for feeling upset about someone who a lot of the time didn't give a shit about him. I have explained and reassured Harry numerous times that regardless of what happened in the past, it's ok to be upset. He was still his dad at the end of the day who under all that hate and anger he still loved him. Everything he is feeling is all a normal reaction to grief which i have explained to him when he gets himself worked up telling him he needs to be less harsh on himself. It takes time and all his feelings are valid regardless of what they are at the time.

Harry is due to fly home later this afternoon after being away for a couple of weeks and I can't wait to see him. To look him in the eye and see how he is really feeling. It's easy on the phone to just brush it aside and say you're ok when actually you may not be. I have arranged for my mom to have Evan whilst I take Harry out. A date night just for us to spend some time together. Followed by a bit of dancing at a bar in town that has just opened . Liam is going to join us at the bar after we have been to dinner, for a few drinks. Hopefully this will cheer Harry up a bit and get his mind on something else.

"Evan, are you ready yet?" I yell from the bottom of the stairs "we need to go and collect daddy now"

Harry usually gets a car from the airport but as we are going out later, I thought it would be nice for me and Evan to pick him up so they can see each other for a bit, go to the park or something with Evan for a kick about before popping in at moms to drop Evan off. Evan really loves the airport as well. He is fascinated by the big aeroplanes and watching them land and take off. It's crazy really considering Harry has a private plane whilst on tour, that Evan has never been on an aeroplane. We were actually discussing it the other day about our plans for the summer holidays and me and Evan flying over to the USA which is where Harry's tour will be and joining him. Also adding in a trip to Disneyland whilst we are over there.

Evan jumps down the stairs , missing the bottom two steps as he leaps off landing on the floor.

"You're going to hurt yourself one of these days mister, not walking down the stairs properly" I notice as he rolls his eyes at me and picks up his backpack I had packed his overnight stuff into off the floor, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Chill out dad. I bet you used to do it"

"I did not," I retorted. Grabbing my wallet and keys I guide him to the front door "and less of that lip mr"

Always Forever (me and you until the end) Part 2 Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now