Your Sights

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Rain had a major crush and he didn't even know his name. It had started two days ago with a flat tire. Rain had panicked hard because he knew absolutely nothing about changing a tire and it didn't help that it was late and raining like mad. Suddenly a knight on a white horse (well actually a big blue motorcycle) had appeared and helped by changing his tire while Rain held an umbrella and his helmet for him.

Now it was his first day of his freshman year at university and Rain was telling his best friend Sky all about his "big bike brother", not forgetting to mention how handsome and cool he had been. The most famous celebrity idols couldn't compare.

This was actually the third time he had told Sky the story, he had called in the middle of that same night when he got home to tell Sky all about it. Then again yesterday when they met for lunch and to pick up any last minute supplies they would need for their studies.

Sky was used to it, he and Rain had been best friends every since Sky had moved to Bangkok to study at 15. They were polar opposites. Sky being quiet and keeping his thoughts to himself and Rain being talkative and pretty much saying everything that went through his head, but somehow they had hit it off right away.

"Excuse me, are you Sky?" Came a girl's voice from behind them. Sky nodded and raised his hands in greeting. "I'm Ple. We will be working together on the student council and I wanted to meet and go over a couple ideas."

"Nice to meet you Ple, this is my friend Rain."

Rain smiled and greeted Ple enthusiastically, already thinking of Ple as a new found friend.

"Have you met P'Phayu?" Ple asked Sky, "He is our senior advisor on the student council. He in his fifth year and is considered the star of the architecture facility. Some people even call him the god of architectural department according to my brother, P'Som."

"Why is he called that, and how do you know him?" Rain asked more curious than anything. He wasn't on the student council so he probably wouldn't be interacting with this P'Phayu at all.

Ple laughed, "My brother is one of his admirers so I have heard all the stories for the past three years." She took on a sarcastically admiraring voice, mimicking her brother. "P'Phayu gets top grades in all his classes, he has won so many awards, he is nice, kind and most importantly he is sooooo handsome."

Rain and Sky laughed. Sky shook his head, "I haven't met him yet but I have heard the same stories from some of the other members of the student council."

"I bet he is not as handsome as my big bike brother." Rain said. "Do you want to have lunch with us, Ple? I will tell you all about him on the way to the canteen." Sky rolled his eyes at this but Rain had already launched into the story.

Once they were seated in the cafeteria, Ple pointed to a table of older students. "That's P'Phayu, the one with long hair, and his friend P'Prapai. P'Pai is a business student according to my brother."

Rain's mouth dropped open in amazement. "That's my big bike brother." He told the other two.

"Wait, P'Phayu is the one that helped you with your flat tire?" Sky asked, Rain only nodded. He hadn't taken his eyes off the senior since Ple pointed him out.

As if feeling Rain's stare P'Phayu looked over at their table. There was no sign that he recognized Rain though. He simply turned back to continue his conversation with his friends.

Rain was disappointed but not surprised. P'Phayu was a campus celebrity and Rain, although considered cute, was just a junior who many people found annoying. Even Sky said so, and Sky was his best friend.

Three weeks later:

Rain shifted his laptop on his lap and tried to concentrate on his report. He resisted the urge to look at his watch again. Why was he so late? After all he was the god of the architectural department, weren't gods supposed to be punctual?

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